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작성일 : 21.04.15 | 조회수 : 383

제목 : The Argus Prize: 2021 English Essay Contest 안내 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

The Argus Prize: 2021 English Essay Contest
한국외국어대학교 영자신문사 The Argus에서 2021 English Essay Contest를 개최합니다. 많은 학부생
여러분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.

가. 공모 내용: 20대가 관심을 가져야 할 아래의 5개의 주제 중 하나를 선택하여 자신의 생각을
논리적으로 전개한 영어 에세이

1) MZ세대
2) 영끌 (영혼까지 끌어모으다)
3) 공정이란 무엇일까?
4) 페미니즘
5) 4차산업혁명

나. 접수 마감: ~2021. 05. 7(금) 23:59

다. 응모 자격: 한국외대 2020-1학기 등록 재학 중인 학부생(서울 및 글로벌 캠퍼스)

라. 제출 방법: 한국외대 영자신문사 The Argus 공식 이메일 (hufsargus@gmail.com)으로 에세이 제출

마. 원고 서식: Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 폰트 크기 11. 줄간격 1.5, 제목 포함 800-1000

※ 익명 평가를 위해 파일에는 제목과 본문만 기재하길 바랍니다.
※ 파일명은 학번만 기재 하십시오. Ex) 20201234
※ 이메일에 인적사항 기재 부탁드립니다. (필수: 이름, 학번, 학과, 연락처)

바. 심사 기준: 논지의 창의성, 전개 방향의 논리성, 영어 표현의 유창성

사. 시상 내역: 상장 및 상금 (1등-300,000원, 2등- 200,000원, 3등-100,000원 - 총 상금 600,000원) 수여

※ 5월17일 수상자는 개별통보 및 The Argus 인스타그램 (@hufsargus) 게시
※ 수상작은 모두 The Argus 6월호에 실릴 예정
아. 기타 운영 방침
(1) 1인 1작품 출품 원칙
(2) 출품된 작품이 심사기준 및 수준에 미달될 경우 수상작을 선정하지 않을 수 있음
(3) 수상 이후 표절로 판명됐을 경우 수상 및 상금이 취소되며, 법적 책임은 표절 당사자에게 있음
(4) 공모전 일정은 외대 영자신문사 일정에 따라 변동될 수 있음
자. 기타 문의사항: hufsargus@gmail.com 혹은 편집장 연락처 010-9392-5716






The Argus Prize 2021 English Essay Contest 


The Argus is pleased to announce the 2021 English Essay Contest, which awards three winners for thoughtfully crafted argumentative research essays that explore the complexity of the student’s chosen topic.


A.     Topics:

Choose one of prompts below and write 800-1000 words including the title.

1)      MZ Generation

2)      Yeong-kkeul [soul-pull], “sacrificing everything including even your soul,” a.k.a. “panic buying.”

3)      What is fairness?

4)      Feminism

5)      The Fourth Industrial Revolution


B.      Deadline: May 7, 2021, 23:59 *Late submissions will not be accepted.


C.     Eligibility: Open to all HUFS undergraduates (Seoul and Global) enrolled in the 2021-1 semester.


D.     Submission: via email hufsargus@gmail.com


E.      Essay format: Times New Roman 11pt, Line Spacing 1.5, Microsoft Word, 800-1000 words

*The text should only include the title and essay to ensure anonymity during assessment.

* The name of the file should be your student number. Ex) 20201234

* Must include your name, student number, department, and contact information in the email.


F.      Award: Certificate and a prize

- First place: 300,000 won / Second place:  200,000 won / Third place: 100,000 won

- All works of award-winners will be published on the June issue of The Argus magazine.

The results will be announcement May 17th through The Argus Instagram (@hufsargus) and winners will be noticed individually.


G.     Other instructions:

1.       A student is allowed to submit one essay.

2.       Submitted essay should be a student’s original work. Plagiarized work will be immediately disqualified.


H.     All inquiries about the contest can be made by email or phone number below.

Email: hufsargus@gmail.com

Tel: Editor-in-Chief 010-9392-5716

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