글번호 : 145359998

작성일 : 20.10.19 | 조회수 : 203

제목 : Andrian Saputra (IDS ASEAN-India Studies 2018-2020) 글쓴이 : is전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

With a background in International Relations, It has always been my age-long goal to engage with everything related to the global ecosystem. Right after completing my bachelor degree, I opted to pursue higher education. Considering my interest in East Asian, I decided to pursue my dream in the Republic of Korea, as I am an avid Korean enthusiast. Thanks to the National Institute for International Education(NIIED) under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, that dream came true and I was selected as part of the Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP) Awardee. 

From the very beginning, I have decided to pursue my master degree at the Department of International Development Studies under the Graduate School of International and Area Studies(GSIAS) of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies(HUFS), as I really wanted to explore more on what lays behind the Korean rapid development. The reason for choosing this department is no other than the highly systematic curriculum offered by the department along with the reputable and qualified professors.

As I expected, enrolled at the International Development Department of HUFS not only enlightened me, but in more specific way it has been successful in helping me answer all my curiosities. The qualified professor that has a very strong background in their expertise (from gender and development to public diplomacy in development context) is another plus point, where it allows you to meet them based on your keenness.

Lastly, the infamous HUFS slogan, "Come to HUFS, Meets the world," is another thing that you have to keep in mind. As far as I have experienced, I did really meet friends from different backgrounds that come from all around the world.

It's been such a wonderful time to be part of International Development Studies of GSIAS HUFS and I never regret it.

Andrian Saputra

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Former Manager for Indonesia-Korea Cooperation at Indonesia-Korea Business Cooperation Center, KOTRA.

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