글번호 : 176758042

작성일 : 23.07.13 | 조회수 : 95

제목 : [Internship Report] Benjamin Devise and the Global Green Growth Institute 글쓴이 : is전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: Internship at GGGI_Benjamin Devise.docx

In March 2023, I commenced my internship with the Carbon Pricing Unit at the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). Situated in the heart of Seoul, GGGI is an intergovernmental organization committed to fostering green growth and sustainable development across its 45 member nations. The Carbon Pricing Unit specializes in carbon markets and carbon mechanisms.

Originally introduced under the Kyoto Protocol of 1995, carbon mechanisms have been redefined under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The Carbon Pricing Unit at GGGI focuses specifically on the mechanism outlined in Article 6, which facilitates the trade of international transferred mitigations outcomes (ITMOs). Article 6, in general, permits a party to finance mitigations outcomes and purchase carbon offsets to support the achievement of climate goals, thereby reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and combating the climate crisis.


Visit of Ban Ki Moon, president and chair of the Global Green Growth Institute.

My mission entailed providing support for the implementation of an international program known as the Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (IKI-SPAR6C) program. This program, funded with 20 million euros by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), is implemented in four countries: Colombia, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zambia.

My responsibilities were diverse in nature. Initially, I dedicated time to familiarize myself with the various concepts and mechanisms outlined in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The team at GGGI allows new interns the opportunity to engage in extensive reading and research to gain a thorough understanding of Article 6. Subsequently, my tasks involved providing assistance to the different consortium members involved in the program, which included GGGI, Carbon Limits, GFA, Kommunalkredit Public Consulting, and the United Nations Environment Programme Copenhagen Climate Centre. Additionally, I assisted in organizing international events. Regularly, I offered support in implementing the program by reviewing the partners' work plans, communication strategies, as well as their overall documents and progress in their work. Furthermore, I kept abreast of information and news related to the evolution of carbon markets in the four countries involved in the IKI-SPAR6C program.

A group of people standing in a roomDescription automatically generated

The whole CPU team.

One significant milestone during my internship was organizing the inaugural annual event of the Community of Practices for Article 6 Countries. This event serves as a crucial component of the IKI-SPAR6C program, aiming to enhance knowledge and skills in carbon markets within each country. The event took place in Bonn, Germany, from June 1st to 3rd, just a week before the SB58 meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Facilitating the organization and logistics for this event was no small feat, but we take pride in its resounding success thus far.

Overall, my internship is still ongoing and will continue until September. Working at GGGI offers numerous advantages, including the opportunity to understand how work is organized within an international organization and gain valuable insights into project management and implementation processes. I highly recommend motivated students to seize the opportunity to intern at this organization. The staff is exceptionally welcoming and supportive, making it a truly rewarding experience, especially in Seoul, where finding opportunities as an international student can be quite challenging.

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