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작성일 : 22.12.30 | 조회수 : 615

제목 : [HUFS Global Law Review] Call for papers: 2023 HUFS Global Law Review 글쓴이 : 법학연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Call for papers: 2023 HUFS Global Law Review


Seoul, Republic of Korea, December 30th, 2022

Law Research Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


Title: Call for Papers: 2023 HUFS Global Law Review 


The Law Research Institute of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies is pleased to announce a call for papers. The HUFS Global Law Review is published twice a year, on the last day of February and August, by the Law Research Institute of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.


The HUFS Global Law Review will be publishing articles on various legal researches in the fields of international, regional and comparative laws. Rationale and purpose of the Review is to support legal research activities of scholars and practitioners especially in the international and comparative perspectives. Already 10 years long the HUFS Global Law Review has successfully promoted the exchange of legal experiences from one region to others and finally achieved a high level of knowledge from international and comparative research.


All levels of authors are invited to submit articles which are related to international and comparative studies. The article should be in English and be sent together with the applicant’s name, title and affiliation no later than January 31th, 2023. Short articles, presentation papers, or case briefs will also be considered.


Papers may be submitted to the Law Research Institute of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies at: lawri@hufs.ac.kr.


Please address all correspondence to:

HUFS Global Law Review

Law Research Institute

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu

Seoul, Republic of Korea (02450)


Articles will be selected by blind peer-review. Selected articles will be published in our next journal on February 28th, 2023.


· Submission Deadline : January 31th, 2023.

· Maximum Length : 12,000 words in MS-Word

· Including as follows : Abstract, Key Words, Table of Contents and References


For any questions or inquiries, please contact the Law Research Institute at lawri@hufs.ac.kr.



Best Regards, 

Law Research Institute of the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


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