글번호 : 180727877

작성일 : 24.01.14 | 조회수 : 37

제목 : 2024년 국제플라톤학회 아시아 지역대회 안내 글쓴이 : 고전어문·문화학과
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

국제플라톤학회(International Plato Society)는 전체 학회와 지역별 학회가 엇갈려 개최되고 있습니다. 아시아 지역에서는 일본과 대만, 그리고 우리나라 등에서 학회를 지역대회를 열고 있습니다. 올 해 2024년 국제플라톤학회 아시아 지역대회가 9월에 일본에서 개최됩니다. 


학회 발표를 원하시는 분들은 500자 이내의 초록을 2024년 5월 10일까지 제출하시면 됩니다. 

아래에 주제와 일시, 장소 등 자세한 정보를 담은 홈페이지 링크를 첨부합니다. 내용을 참고하시고, 많은 참여 부탁드리겠습니다. 


주제: Plato and Gods

일시: 2024년 9월 11-13일

장소: 나고야 대학



Alex LONG (St Andrews)

Noburu NOTOMI (Tokyo)

Shino KIHARA (Kokugakuin)


국제플라톤학회 아시아 지역대회 홈페이지



Call for Paper


According to a middle Platonist, Alcinous, the aim of life is to become as godlike as possible, a theme that Plato addresses in various ways. Indeed, in Republic X, it is said that those who live a life of justice become like god as far as possible for a human being. Famously, in the Theaetetus, Plato argues that to escape from earth is to become like god so far as possible, and this likeness is to be just and pious with wisdom. The concept of godlikeness appears to be intricately connected not just to Plato's ethics, but also to his epistemological views. In Republic VI, philosophers are depicted as gazing upon and imitating the Forms, thus attaining a divine state. Similarly, in the Phaedrus, the philosopher's soul is portrayed as following the divine circular motions, beholding the Forms. Do these descriptions represent various approaches to explaining the same philosophical concept, or do they signify different stages in the process of imitating the divine?


Furthermore, Plato’s acknowledgement of celestial gods, alongside more traditional gods, adds layers to his discussion of godlikeness. What roles do these celestial and traditional gods play in one’s pursuit of the ideal form of life? This prompts an inquiry into whether godlikeness is achievable solely through virtuous living, or whether it necessitates an intellectual understanding that transcends practical application. It also raises questions about the influence of Socratic piety on Plato’s ethical views, advocating a life of virtue and philosophical inquiry as the truest form of divine devotion. How does Plato reinterpret Socratic ideas about piety and virtue, and what implications does this have for his conception of a life akin to the divine?


These considerations lead us to the central theme of our upcoming conference: exploring Plato’s concept of godlikeness, as well as his views on gods and divinity, from a variety of perspectives.



Potential Topics

▪ The meaning(s) of becoming like god in Plato's texts. How is godliness integrated within Plato's ethics, epistemology, psychology, and cosmology?

▪ What constitutes a god in Platonic philosophy? What are the characteristics and nature of divine beings?

▪ Plato's critique and inheritance of the notion of traditional gods. How does Plato interact with and transform traditional religious concepts?

▪ The relationship between gods and daimon/daimones in Platonic thought.

▪ Plato's incorporation of specific deities, such as Apollo and Dionysus, into his philosophical framework.

▪ The relationship between piety and other virtues in Plato's philosophy.

▪ Plato's adoption and adaptation of Socratic piety.

▪ The later reception of Platonic godlikeness.

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