글번호 : 113537428

작성일 : 18.11.08 | 조회수 : 1086

제목 : Altering Double Major for 2018 Spring Semester 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


Altering Double Major for 2018 Spring Semester




- as below -


1.  Who can apply: sophomore, junior and senior students who applied for a double major but have not been accepted previously, or who would like to apply or change the current double major.

※ Those who have not applied, or were not chosen for double major must apply during the same period.


2. Period: 2018. 11. 5 (Mon) 10:00 am~ 2018. 11. 9 (Fri) 4:00pm

※ Late applications are not accepted.


3. Application Method

: Web Information System 종합정보시스템→ Major/Academic profession (전공/교직관리)→ Application to alter double major (이중전공변경 신청)

※ You can choose only 1 double major.


4.  Allocation Rules:

a. Students will be assigned within the current seat availability (Check the attached file)

b. Assignment standards: Follow the criteria of each department (Check the selection criteria in the attached file)

※ If there are other requirements besides GPA, refer to the office of each major department. Documents must be submitted and students must check the entrance exam dates.

c. Students who have taken at least 34 credits will be placed in advance. (The results can be checked on November 9th at 4:00pm on the Web Information System 종합정보시스템.)

d. If a student applies to alter a double major and gets accepted, he/she will not be able to change it afterwards. (Students are allowed to change their double major next time, if he/ she has not been accepted during this period.)          

e. Restriction:

- One cannot apply for the department that does not offer any seats (Check seat availability attached file.)

- One cannot apply for the following departments: Social Science Major in the Division of Language & Diplomacy

- Students who are not from the College of Education cannot apply for any department in the College of Education

- Only foreign students are allowed to apply for the department of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language

 - Students from the Department of Economics in the Global Campus cannot apply for  the Department of Economics in the Seoul Campus (and vice-versa)

 - Students from the Global Campus Departments of Management Information System, International Business, and Global Business and Technology cannot apply for the Department of Business in the Seoul Campus (and vice-versa)

-  Students from the Department of Japanese Literature, Language and Culture cannot apply for the Department of Integrated Japanese Studies (and vice-versa)

- In terms of LD and LT major, only students enrolled in and after 2017 can apply to those two departments.


5.  Final decision will be made approximately at the end of December, 2018 to early January, 2019 (However, it depends on each department’s plan.)

6. Students from the Seoul Campus who would like to have a double major in the Global Campus, please refer to the notices under [Global Campus] on the homepage.

7. Students who were selected for second-term double major(후기이중전공) and for altering their double majors MUST CHOOSE EITHER ONE AND CANCEL THE OTHER.



(Alterations) Global Culture and Art

1. For students who entered the university in and before 2016, there is no limit/quota on the number of available seats for Global Culture and Art.

2. Selection criteria has changed from document screening to GPA requirements- this applies to all applicants.


Attachment Files : 1. 2018 Fall Semester Double Major Seat Availability

                                          2. Selection Criteria



2018. 10.

서울캠퍼스 교무처장

Dean of Academic Affairs from Seoul Campus

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