글번호 : 117417588

작성일 : 19.02.11 | 조회수 : 1240

제목 : LOKA - Personal Assistance to Life in Korea 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: Beginning Tips for Students of HUFS_LOKA101.pdf

LOKA - Personal Assistance to Life in Korea


Partnered with HUFS, LOKA provides the assistance to support your life in Korea. They will answer your questions in a wide range of variety through KakaoTalk chat app.

Do not hesitate to take advantage of this wonderful service.


Want to know where the nearest hospital is?

Curious about student accommodation?

Vegetarian or vegan restaurants?

How would you find a way to school and travel destinations?

Free club deals for party night out?


You can simply add them on your KakaoTalk messenger and start texting like a friend(but a pro friend).

Ask anything. Loka shall answer you.


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