글번호 : 119203080

작성일 : 19.03.20 | 조회수 : 1130

제목 : 2019학년도 1학기 학부 재학생 추가등록 안내(Additional Registration for the 2019 Spring Semester) 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


1. 추가 등록기간: 2019 3 18(월) - 2019 3 22()

Additional Enrollment/Registration Period: 18.03.2019 (Mon.) - 22.03.2019 (Fri.)

2. 등록장소우리은행국민은행농협 전국지점

Accepted Banks: Woori Bank, Kook-Min(KB) Bank, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation(NACF)

3. 등록금액등록금고지서 참조

Amount of Payment: Please refer to the receipt for the registration fee.

4. 등록금 납부 확인등록금 납부한 다음 날부터 종합정보시스템 등록/장학정보-등록내역에서 확인

Checking payment: You can check the payment one day after transferring at "Registration detail" from "Registration/scholarship information" tab in the Web Information System(종합정보시스템).

5. 등록금 고지서는 등록 이후 재발행하지 않으므로 학기말까지 보관바람.

The receipt for the Registration Fee will not be reissued, so please keep the receipt until the end of the term.

    (은행 수납인이 날인된 고지서는 소득세법 시행규칙에 의거 교육비납입증명서로 사용할 수 있음)

(The receipt for the Registration Fee with a seal can be recognized as the Payment Proof Certificate in accordance with the Income Tax Law enforcement ordinance.

6. 추가등록기간까지 등록금을 납부하지 않을 경우, 제적 처리 됨. 휴학을 원하는 경우 OISS 사무실에 신청서 제출 바람.

If you miss the additional enrollment/registration period and don't pay tuition fee, you will be expelled from school. If you want to take time off from school, please visit OISS office to apply for.


2019. 3.


Dean of Administration Support

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