글번호 : 121432416

작성일 : 19.05.13 | 조회수 : 774

제목 : [서울] 2019-1 이중전공 변경 시행 / [Seoul] Changing Double Majors for the 2019-1 semester in progress 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 학과(부)별+이중전공+배정기준.xlsx Attachment 1- Double Major Seat Availability.xlsx 19-1+이중전공변경여석-공지.xlsx Attachment 2 - Double Major Qualification Standard.xlsx

[서울] 2019-1학기 이중전공 변경 시행 


 2019학년도 제1학기 이중전공 변경 신청 일정을 아래와 같이 공고함.


아 래 -


1. 대 상 2~4학년 학생 중 이중전공변경 기간에 신청하여 배정된 적이 없는 재학생 및 휴학생

※ 기존에 이중전공을 신청한 적이 없거나 미선발 된 경우에도 2~4학년은 이중전공 변경 기간에 신청하여야 함. 

2. 기 간 : 2019. 5. 13 () 10:00 ~ 5. 17 () 16:00

※ 신청기간 이후 추가 신청 절대 불가 


3. 신청방법 종합정보시스템→전공/교직관리→이중전공변경 신청

※ 이중전공변경 신청은 1지망만 신청가능함 


4. 배정원칙

현 시점 기준 학과별/학번대별 이중전공 여석 내에서 배정 (첨부파일 참조)

배정기준 : 학과별 배정 기준에 따름(학과별 배정 기준 첨부파일 참조)

※ 평점평균 이외의 별도의 기준이 있는 학과의 경우 반드시 해당학과에 문의하여 서류제출시험일정을 확인하기 바람.

. 34학점 이상 이수자 우선 배정(마감일인 5.17일 오후 4시 기준 종합정보시스템 성적)

이중전공변경신청 기간에 신청하여 배정된 경우 추후 이중전공변경신청 불가

(이중전공변경신청 기간에 미배정된 경우 추후 이중전공변경신청 가능)


학과별/학번대별 여석이 없는 학과(전공신청 불가

캠퍼스 간 이중전공 희망자의 경우 캠퍼스 간 이중전공 제한학과로의 신청 불가

법학과(폐지됨), LD학부 내 사회과학전공 신청 불가

비사범대학 학생의 사범대학 학과로의 신청 불가

외국어로서의 한국어교육전공은 입학전형 기준 외국인전형 입학생만 가능

글로벌캠퍼스 경제학과 학생의 서울캠퍼스 경제학전공으로의 신청불가(반대의 경우도 불가)

글로벌캠퍼스 경영정보학과국제경영학과국제금융학부(전공/), GB&T학부 학생의 서울캠퍼스 경영학전공으로의 신청불가(반대의 경우도 불가)

일본언어문화학부 학생의 융합일본지역전공으로의 신청불가(반대의 경우도 불가)

글로벌캠퍼스에서 이수한 이중전공(부전공과목은 서울캠퍼스 이중전공(부전공)으로 변경한 후에는 재수강 불가

※ 글로벌 캠퍼스 이중전공(부전공)이 유지 되어 있는 상태에서 재수강을 완료 해야 함.


5. 배정확정 : 2019년 6월말~7월초 예정(학과별 전형 일정에 따라 유동적)

6. 글로벌캠퍼스 학과(전공)로 이중전공 희망자는 글로벌캠퍼스 공지사항 확인 바람

7. 후기이중전공 선발자가 이중전공 변경 배정되었을 경우 둘 중 하나를 반드시 취소해야함


첨 부 : 1. 이중전공 여석현황 1.

2. 학과별 이중전공 배정 기준 1.

[Seoul] Changing Double Majors for the 2019-1 semester in progress


Announcing the schedule for registering to change double majors for the 2019 1st semester as below.


1. Subject: Enrolled students or students on leave of absence among grade 2~4 who have registered during the period for changing double majors and have not been assigned a major

Students in grades 2~4 who have never registered for a double major or have not been chosen must register during this period for changing double majors.


2. Period: May 13. 2019 (Mon) 10:00 AM ~ May 17 2019 (Fri) 4:00 PM

Registering after this period is not allowed


3. How to register: Web Information SystemMajor/teaching profession managementApply for double major

You may only register for first choice when registering for changing double majors


4. Rules for Assignment

A. Assignment made within the available seats within each department/class at the present time (Refer to attachment)

B. Standard for Assignment: Follows the standards for assignment according to department (Refer to attachment to see standards for assignment according to department)

For department who have standards other than GPA, you must make inquiries with the department in question, and check the schedule for submitting documents and exams.

C. Those who have taken over 34 credits will be assigned first (The standard is the grades in the Web Information System on the due date of May 17th 4:00 PM)

D. If assigned a major after registering during the period for changing double majors, you cannot register to change double majors in future.

(If not assigned a major during the period for changing double majors, you are able to register for changing double majors in future)

E. Restrictions

- You cannot register for majors with no available seats according to department/class

- For those who wish to register for double majors between campuses, you cannot register for departments that are restricted for double majors.

- You cannot register for the Department of Law (discontinued) and the Social Science Major within the LD Department.

- Student who are not in the College of Education cannot register for majors within the College of Education.

- The Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language major can only be registered by students who were admitted through the International Student Admission.

- A student majoring in Division of Economics in Global Campus cannot register to double major in the Division of Economics in Seoul Campus (The opposite is also prohibited)

- A student majoring in the Department of Management Information Systems, Department of International Business, Division of International Finance (major/department), and the Division of Global Business & Technology cannot register to double major in Business Administration Division in Seoul Campus (The opposite is also prohibited)

- A student majoring in the Division of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture cannot register to double major in Division of Integrated Japanese Studies (The opposite is also prohibited)


F. you cannot retake a subject that you have already enrolled in at the Global Campus as a Double Major or a Minor.

* You must complete the enrollment as a Global Campus Double Major or Minor


5. Confirmation: To be confirmed between end of June to early July. (the exact period will differ depending on the department)


6. In the case you want to double major in a department from the Global Campus, you must check the announcements from that campus.

7. If you are subject to Second-term Double Major and have changed his or her double major, you must cancel one of two of your double Major choices.


Attachment 1: Seat Availability for Double Majors


Attachment 2: Qualifications per department

2019. 5.


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