글번호 : 145823919

작성일 : 20.10.30 | 조회수 : 726

제목 : 【Current_Event】Treeger 교육 봉사 프로젝트 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

아이섹 한국외대지부 국내교류프로젝트부서에서 홍보하고 있는 Treeger 교육 봉사 프로젝트입니다.





 🌐2021 Winter Aiesec HUFS🌐

Do you want to spend your vacation meaningfully?

Do you want to actively participate in this project form preparation to execution?

Aiesec in HUFS is recruiting the local volunteers needed for this winter's Treeger Project!

What is the Treeger project?

• Educational service for youth

Classes based on SDGs

1 week : human right

2 week : environment issues

• All classes in the Treeger Project are conducted in English under your leadership.

✔ Duration and fee

• class preparation period : 12/ 27~ 1/10

• class activity period : 1/ 11~ 1/22

(Each session will take 2~3 hours.)

• fee : 30.000KRW

Why do you have to apply for this project?

Here you can do everything.🔥

You can teach student and gain teaching skills

• You can make all the class content and have time to think about social problems with students

• You can learning Korean culture and get good relationships.

How to apply?

• Recruitment Deadline : 8th December 2020

After submitting the application, receive an email from Aiesec in HUFS to schedule the interview. If you pass the interview, you can join our project 🎉

More information

Phone number : 010-7322-7520

Email : song.hyungkyung@aiesec.net

Instagram : aiesec_in_hufs

Application Form : https://forms.gle/2NQmxcENx9GZ9uYa6

Promotions related to the project will continue to be updated through Instagram @aiesec_in_hufs, so please pay attention.미소미소



관련하여 질문 사항이 있으시다면 다음 연락처로 연락주시길 바라겠습니다. 감사합니다!



아이섹 한국외대지부 국내교류프로젝트부서

번 호 : 010-9126-5172



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