글번호 : 41059

작성일 : 10.04.16 | 조회수 : 1581

제목 : Announcemnet on Revision of KGSP Regulations 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Dear KGSP scholars,

We hope that your everyday life is filled with the hope and dream of Spring when all things are vibrant with life and energy.

This notice is to inform you of the revision of KGSP regulations which will be executed from April 15, 2010. You are kindly asked to read it through and to keep up the work so that you will accomplish your study successfully.

Wishing you peace and success,


Note. The revised version can be downloaded from this website
         Home >> Board >> Korean Government Scholarship Students

Main Revised Articles & KGSP Regulations

1. Temporary Departure (Available Period per one application: Article 18)

- Before: 30 days, but those are enrolled in a preparatory Korean language course must leave within the 2 weeks of vacation period.

- After: 60 days, but those who are enrolled in a preparatory Korean language course must leave within the 4 weeks of vacation period. (※There is no difference in the scholarship payment related to the temporary departure; only 30 days of scholarship is to be paid. The scholarship for the corresponding period will not be paid to those who leave during their enrollment in a preparatory Korean language course.)

2. Required document for payment of research allowance (Article 28)

- Before: A sub-plan of thesis writing must be submitted regardless of the completion of coursework

- After: Depending on the completion of coursework,

   Until the credits required for the completion of coursework are earned, → A study plan must be made

   After the credits required for the completion of coursework are earned → A sub-plan of thesis writing must be made

3. Change of university (Article 13)

- Before: It is applicable only in avoidable cases, with prior approval from the President of the NIIED

- After: Deleted (NOT applicable after scholars are enrolled at an university or a graduate school)

4. Warning against absence during the Korean language course (Article 30-1)

- Before: When scholars are absent from classes without prior notice for more than 5 consecutive days and more than 10 days per month

- After: When scholars are absent from classes without prior notice for more than 3 consecutive days and more than 5 days per month

5. Cancellation of scholarship (Article 30)

- Before: There is no punishment or penalty for those who fall into the items 1 to 3 of Article 30-1 (absence or temporary departure without prior notice, poor academic performance)

- After: If scholars get more than 3 warnings because they fall into the items 1 to 3 of Article 30-1, scholarship will be cancelled

6. Qualifications for extension of scholarship period (Article 25-1)

- Before: If scholars get a warning according to Article 30-1, they are disqualified for the extension of scholarship period.

- After: Deleted

7. Deferred application

- The items ②~③ of Article 2, Article 5, item ② of Article 22, 12~15 of Article 30, and 4~5 of Article 30-1 are applicable to the award holders selected in the year 2010.

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