글번호 : 79171181

작성일 : 16.08.05 | 조회수 : 1818

제목 : Fall 2016 Exchange Scholarship Winners 글쓴이 : international
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Fall 2016 HUFS Global Korea Scholarship Winners (funded by the Korean Government)

We are very much delighted to announce that 3 exchange students from our partner universities have been successfully selected as the final winners for the 2016 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Exchange Students. The winners will receive monthly stipends and reimbursement of their roundtrip airplane tickets. Details of the benefits and winners’ obligations will be sent to you via email. Congratulations!



Home University


Tsai Chin-Ting

National Taiwan Normal University


Tovar Guaqueta Maria Tatiana

National University of Colombia


Jones Raychel  

San Diego State University


Fall 2016 HUFS Global Exchange Scholarship Winners (funded  by HUFS)

We are also happy to announce the 10 winners of a special scholarship funded by HUFS. This scholarship is awarded to students who have shown exemplary academic performances at their home universities, along withbstrong interest in pursuing their academic goals through their study abroad at HUFS. The winners will receive 1,000,000 Korean Won (one-off payment) at the end of September. Details of the benefits and winners’ obligations will be sent to you via email. Congratulations!



Home University


En Ngo Hui

University of Malaya


Cheng Mengyuan

Sun Yat-Sen University


Ghanayem Heba Said

United Arab Emirates University


Lindberg Erika

Stockholm University


Houviez Lucile

University of Paris IV - Sorbonne



Davies George

Bangor University


Rodriguez Salomon Juan Miguel

Juarez Autonomous University of Tabasco


Ariza Cotrina William Fernando

National University of Colombia


Almeida Carlos Eduardo Rocha de

The Federal University of Juiz de Fora


Alberti Sara

Sapienza University of Rome



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