글번호 : 49405

작성일 : 08.06.23 | 조회수 : 1074

제목 : Notice for the First Day of ISS 글쓴이 : ISS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Dear Students

We look forward to welcoming you to the ISS program, which will begin on Monday, July 7th. The ISS summer office and the ISS classrooms will be in the International Building (Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation/Graduate School of International Area Studies Building) on the Imun campus.

Please plan to be at Aekyoung Hall on the 2nd floor of the International Building at 9:00 a.m. on July 7th to attend a short opening ceremony, followed by class sessions.

At the class sessions, you will meet your professors and they will provide you with a class syllabus and full explanations about how the class will operate during the 5 weeks of the ISS program.

Class changes and drop/add requests are only accepted until Thursday of the first week of ISS, so it is very important that you receive the full orientation on the first day and have an opportunity to clarify any questions you may have with your professors.

Lunch will be served at the end of the morning session for all students and professors. (On the first day of ISS only!) 

If you have signed up for language classes in the afternoon (Korean language classes or English Academic Reading & Writing), you will return to the ISS program classrooms for a placement test at 1:30 p.m.

Please do not hesitate to contact the ISS office if you have questions about any of the above issues. (E-mail: isshufs@hufs.ac.kr   or Telephone: (02) 2173-2063)


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