글번호 : 91822396

작성일 : 17.05.22 | 조회수 : 1871

제목 : [서울]학과별 전공학점 인정 과목 안내_2017 Summer Course 글쓴이 : ISS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

2017년 국제여름학기 학과별 전공학점 인정과목

<서울 캠퍼스>



* 전공학점으로 인정되지 않는 과목들은 교양학점으로 인정됨(각 3학점, 최대 6학점) 



1. 국제학부

- Korea's Modern History and Economy

- International Business

- Principles of Macroeconomics

- Principles of Microeconomics

- Academic English : Reading & Writing

- North Korean Security and Development Issues

- Introduction to Modern East Asia History

- Introduction to World History

- Introduction to Anthropology



2. 경영학부

- Korea's Modern History and Economy

- Current Topics in Marketing : Developing Social Media Marketing Strategies

- Intellectual Property Issues in Korea

- Consumer Behavior in Asia : Unique Issues and Marketing Practices

- Organizational Behavior

- International Business

- Business Statistics

- Principles of Macroeconomics

- Consumer Behavior

- Principles of Marketing

- Principles of Microeconomics

- Managerial Accounting

- Financial Accounting


3. 경제학부(서울)

- Principles of Macroeconomics

- Principles of Microeconomics


4. 미디어커뮤니케이션학과

- Media, Globalization and the East Asian Region

- Strategic Crisis Communication : Cases in Korea and Asia


5. 영어학과

- Academic English : Reading & Writing

- Presenting in English for TV and Radio


6. 영어학부

- Academic English: Reading & Writing

- Korean Drama of the Diaspora : The Rise and Demise of Kyopo

- Presenting in English for TV and Radio

- Human Rights in North Korea

- North Korean Security & Development Issues

- Korean Cinema

- Gender in South Korea

- Korean Food : Understanding Korean Food in the Era of Globalization

- Korean Music & Performing Arts

- Korean Wave : Contemporary Korean Popular Culture


7. 영미문학문화학과

- Korean Drama of the Diaspora : The Rise and Demise of Kyopo


8. EICC학과

- Academic English : Reading & Writing

- International Business

- Media, Globalization and the East Asian Region

- Strategic Crisis Communication : Cases in Korea and Asia

- Academic English: Reading & Writing

- Korean Drama of the Diaspora: The Rise and Demise of Kyopo

- Presenting in English for TV and Radio

- Human Rights in North Korea

- North Korean Security and Development Issues

- Korean Cinema

- Korea’s Religious and Philosophical Traditions : From Mountain Gods to Sages

- Gender in South Korea

- Korean Food : Understanding Korean Food in the Era of Globalization

- Korean Music & Performing Arts

- Korean Wave : Contemporary Korean Popular Culture

- Introduction to Sociology

- Introduction to Modern East Asia History

- Introduction to World History

- Introduction to Ethics

- Introduction to Anthropology

- Introduction to Religions


9. 영어교육과

- Academic English : Reading & Writing


10. LD학부

- Principles of Macroeconomics

- Principles of Microeconomics


11. LT학부

- Intellectual Property Issues in Korea

- Consumer Behavior in Asia : Unique Issues and Marketing Practices

- International Business

- Principles of Macroeconomics

- Principles of Microeconomics




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