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제목 : [Announce](corrected) 2023-1 Graduation thesis writing guidance in Business Administration 글쓴이 : 경영학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 1-1.졸업논문_작성법_Graduation+Thesis+Writing+Method.pdf 1-2.졸업논문_작성계획서_Graduation+Thesis+Form+Plan.docx 1-3.졸업논문_통합양식_Graduation+Thesis+Form+Cover+(Approval,+Advising,+Report).docx 2023-1+Graduation+thesis+writing+guidance+in+Business+Administration.docx Consideration.docx

Graduation thesis writing guidance in Business Administration, HUFS




 Feel proud to be a member of HUFS and follow the Code of ethics of the Department of Business Studies.

 We highly encourage you to rephrase or paraphrase your work in your own words.

 You are not allowed to copy-and-paste original ideas or tables, diagrams, data and results from existing researches.

 Irresponsible acts such as plagiarism will result in rejection of your paper. Your adviser will report the case to the dean of Department and the Ethics Committee which includes the dean of Department may consider disapproving your graduation.




II. Procedures and Schedule for Graduation Thesis(Undergraduate Dissertation) 

1. Procedure of Graduation Thesis


Selection period of an advisor and   graduation thesis preparation plan 

3/27(MON) 4/6(THU)

(2 weeks)

The first thesis review session (non-face to face/face-to-face depending on professor)

5/1(MON) – 5/4(THU)
(1 week)

The second (and the last) thesis review session (non-face to face/face-to-face depending on professor)

5/8(MON) 5/12(FRI) 

(1 week)

Extra review session (for those who cannot attend the first and second review sessions) (non-face to face /face-to-face depending on professor)

5/15(MON) 5/19(FRI) 

(1 week)

Submit Final Thesis to the Business Office

(Online submission _ google form: It’ll be announced later)

5/22(MON) 5/26(FRI)

(1 week)


※Attachment 1-1. Graduation thesis_presentation.pdf

Graduation thesis presentation’ will be held by providing reference instead of offline . Please check the file attached on this post.




※Attachment 1-2. Graduation thesis _preparation plan.docx

The Graduation thesis preparation plan is prepared during the graduation thesis preparation plan and the selection period of an advisor (3/27-4/6). The completed plan must be approved after asking the professor to guide and review the graduation thesis individually.


※ Attachment 1-3. Graduation thesis _Integrated Graduation paper form.docx

The 'Integrated Graduation Paper Form' must be submitted in Google Form (will be announced later) during the final graduation paper submission period (5/22~5/26).




2. Selection of an advisor

 Since the graduation thesis advisor will not be assigned to the office from the 2023-1 semester, students who will write the graduation thesis must contact the professor directly to select the advisor. If you contact the professor you want to guide, you should contact the contact information listed in the faculty menu on the management department's website and lecture plan 

 * Contactable professor 

Professor Ko Yoon-sung, Professor Oh Jun-ho, Professor Yoo Tae-young, Professor Lee soon-hui, Professor Ryu Yong-gyu, Professor Yoon Won-joo, Professor Ko dong-woo, Professor Kim Yong-jae, Professor Park no-geun.


3. Graduation thesis preparation plan

        Graduation thesis is for students who major in business administration as their First and Second major and also who have enrolled in more than or equal to seven semesters.


        Students should complete the graduation thesis plan by filling in all the details and using the form posted on the Business Administration homepage. (Only A4 1 page, summarize if longer)


        The table of contents and outline should be prepared simply and the general form of the paper should appear in the table.


        You can submit the graduation thesis written plan directly to the screening professor.



4. Plagiarism test


        Before being reviewed, the prepared thesis file must be personally tested for plagiarism, and then evidence must be printed out and submitted to the professor assigned at the first examination along with the thesis.


        Use this free plagiarism test program ( www.copykiller.org) and (https://api.turnitin.com & https://api.turnitin.com/ko) Submit plagiarism test result paper.


        The plagiarism rate must be below 30%. Otherwise, you will fail.



5. 1st, 2nd review& extra review period (non-face to face/face to face depends on professor)


        The 1st review period is the fixed to a week after Graduation Thesis Plan submission period. The 2nd review period is the week after the 1st review period.


        As a rule, it is required to receive the 2nd review after the 1st review.


        Before receiving the first thesis review, download and fill out the attached file [1-3. Graduation Paper_Integrated Form.docx] individually at the top of the notice, and request the professor to review it. 

* Integrated graduation thesis form: a total of 3 chapters (1 graduation thesis review result report, 1 graduation thesis submission and approval form, and 1 graduation thesis cover sheet)


        If the review is not completed during the first and second thesis review periods, the thesis review must be completed using the preliminary period.


        Thesis evaluation criteria 

1) A global mindset

2) Innovative problem-solving

3) Ethical leadership

- Each item is out of 4 points. / You must score at least 9 points in total to pass. (Acceptance criteria must be at least 3 points for all 3 items)


In the case of thesis review, non-face to face/face to face may vary depending on the professor.




6. Final Submission Graduation Thesis

(Only Google Form allowed/Google Form will be posted on May 19.)


        As a rule, the graduation thesis must be submitted during the final submission period.


        After receiving the second thesis review, the following three files will be uploaded to Google Form (later notice) during the final submission period of the thesis. The format of all files only allows PDF.


2-6-1. 10 Subjects in mandatory courses

 → A screenshot of the Web Information System shows your Grade-earning status or a transcript

 → If you’re taking required major courses until this semester, Attach the timetable for this semester  

 → If you take required major courses until 2023 summer session, Submit a timetable for 2023 summer session later



2-6-2. Intergrated Graduation Paper Form  (Graduation Thesis Form - Cover, Approval, Advising Report)

 → The professor's signature or stamp must be on it..

 → Make a PDF file and submit it.


2-6-3. Graduation thesis


l  As a rule, if you submit after the Final Thesis deadline, we will Not receive them. Except for specific reasons accepted by the Curriculum Committee including the vice dean of Business School.

(If you are taking employment training, then someone else should submit it on behalf of you. We do not accept posts.) 



III. Graduation thesis form


Refer to attachment [1-1 Graduation thesis_presentation]. Please note that file attached Graduation thesis presentation


l  The graduation thesis follows the form specified by the Business School:


MS word

Hancom Office (한글)

Font: Clearly Gothic (맑은 고딕)

Font Size: 11pt

Line Spacing: 1

Font: Clearly Gothic (맑은 고딕)

Font Size: 10pt

Line Spacing: 160

편집용지·아래 20, 왼쪽·오른쪽 30, 머리말·꼬리말 25


l  Length of paper may vary depending on the individual’s subject. (recommended amount of thesis: Around 20 pages(Hancom Office, 한글), 30 pages(MS Word), not including the reference.


l  An example of how to write with respect to research methods.


For the thesis, the followings are included

For the case study, the following are included:

I. Introduction

II. Theoretical Background

III. Methodology

IV. Results

V. Conclusions & Implications

VI. References 

I. Introduction

II. Theoretical backgrounds / Frame of Analysis

III. A Case Analysis IV. Conclusions & Implications

V. References

(One or two cases need to be analyzed in depth)


l  You will not pass the Review session if your work is thought to be a class assignment or if you use PowerPoint. You must write according to the research paper form of Business Administration.


l  You should write the Graduation Thesis by using a methodology that is explainable by your own words. If the methodology seems too advanced for undergraduate level, we may suspect plagiarism. If plagiarism is verified, your graduation will be cancelled.




IV. FAQ on graduation thesis.

Q: I don't have time to review my graduation thesis because my job has been confirmed. What should I do?
A: There is also a way to take the graduation exam. Nevertheless, if you want to write a graduation thesis, you cannot replace the graduation thesis with anything else just because your employment is confirmed. As stated in the above notice, you should contact your advisor individually to schedule and proceed. I would like to inform you that graduation is not possible unless you take the graduation thesis screening course. If it is difficult for you to directly review your thesis due to interviews, etc., you can also review your representative only with the permission of the professor.

Q: I checked the notice late, so I couldn
't select an advisor within the period. What should I do?
A: As I informed you in the above notice, the management department office is not responsible for a series of incidents caused by my lack of knowledge. In principle, the act of writing a graduation thesis and selecting a professor after a fixed period is not allowed. In this case, you can take the graduation exam.

Q: I couldn't select my advisor because I didn't get permission from my advisor. What should I do?
A: You should contact another professor to select the advisor. If you fail to select an advisor, you must take the graduation exam.

Q: The graduation thesis has already been reviewed in the previous semester, and only the submission has been suspended. Do I have to be judged again
A: No, it
's not. There is no need for additional screening. After checking the notice on the website of the business department, you can submit it according to the final submission period of the graduation thesis.


. Issuing the Certificate of Graduation Thesis


        For various reasons such as graduate school, you can issue a certificate for the Graduation thesis passed if necessary.


        In addition to this graduation thesis, you can also issue the previously passed thesis.

HelpB.A Office (Cyber building room 503, cob@hufs.ac.kr, 02-2173-2334,2337)




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