글번호 : 41402167

작성일 : 14.07.01 | 조회수 : 2790

제목 : [주한미국대사관] American Cultural Series: Independence Day 2014 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: Invitation Flyer-ACS Independence Day 2014.pdf simple_map_kor_2013.jpg

안녕하십니까? 주한미국대사관에서 2014 Independence Day’를 기념하는 미국문화시리즈 행사에 여러분을 초청합니다. 오는 7 8() 오전 10 30분부터 U.S. Independence Day’의 의미를 살펴보는 외교관 특별강연 행사가 진행될 예정입니다. 관심있는 한국 대학생 분들의 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다.  



2014 American Cultural Series: Independence Day

U.S. Embassy Seoul invites Korean university students who wish to celebrate “America’s Birthday: Independence Day”



·         Date :    Tuesday, July 8, 2014

·         Time:     10:30 A.M. - 14:00 P.M.

·         Venue:   American Center Korea, Public Affairs Section,
              U.S. Embassy Seoul
(Map: 아메리칸센터, 용산구 남영동 소재)

Program Schedule
10:30-10:45       Registration
(1045분 입실완료)
10:45-11:00       U.S. DVD Film Screening of “America the Beautiful”
11:00-11:10       Opening and Introduction of American Center Korea and
                        Participants by Dr. Kim Su Nam, ACK Director
11:10-12:00       Keynote Speech on U.S. Independence Day” 
                        by Richard Roberts, Director of Exchanges and Alumni,
                        Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Seoul, followed by a Q&A

12:00-13:15       Group Photo; Lunch Discussion at the Public Affairs Garden
13:15-13:20       Preparation Time (Break)
13:20-13:30       U.S. Embassy Seoul Youth Coordinator Presentation
13:30-13:50       Independence Day Quiz by U.S. Embassy Youth Coordinators
13:50-14:00       Certificate Awarding Ceremony to U.S. Embassy Youth
14:00                End of Program



[RSVP: 참가신청 ] 참가신청: 참가비는 무료이고  사전 참가신청은 필수입니다.
If you would like to attend, please click the following link and RSVP by July 6.

참가신청 등록링크: 여기를 클릭


·         참가문의: tel. 02-397-4713, AmericanCenterKorea@state..gov

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