글번호 : 136161541

작성일 : 20.04.28 | 조회수 : 720

제목 : Paul Nation Seminar 'What matters in vocabulary learning?' 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: What matters in vocabulary learning.jpg

Paul Nation Seminar - Zoom Seminar this Friday 1 May, 4.00 pm Wellington time. All welcome.

"What matters in vocabulary learning?"

Paul Nation LALS, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Abstract: The two basic conditions needed for effective vocabulary learning are repetition and quality of processing. Repetition is so important that it needs to be planned into a language course in a principled way. This talk will describe various ways to do this. Around one-third of the course time should be spent coming back to previously met material and language items. Quality of processing refers to the conditions involved in each meeting with a word. These conditions include noticing, spacing, retrieval, varied meetings and varied use, elaboration and deliberate attention. This talk shows how these conditions can be part of typical teaching and learning activities, and how teachers can make sure they occur.

Handout attached.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://vuw.zoom.us/j/92749532896

Or join by phone:
By dialing +64 4 886 0026
Or if outside of New Zealand:
+64 4 886 0026 (New Zealand Toll) or +64 9 884 6780 (New Zealand Toll)
Meeting ID: 927 4953 2896
International numbers available: https://vuw.zoom.us/u/acZlfN0g7s

If you have any questions, please contact ITS-ServiceDesk@vuw.ac.nz

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