글번호 : 149887606

작성일 : 21.01.18 | 조회수 : 534

제목 : [KAMALL] 2021 Joint Conference 발표 신청 안내 (2/15 마감) 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: Call for Papers (final).docx
안녕하세요, KAMALL에서는 올해 2021년 학술대회는 8개 학회연합으로 국제학술대회를 온라인으로 개최합니다. 2019년 이후 격년으로 개최되는 Joint International Conference는 올해 예정된 영어교육관련 학술대회 중 가장 큰 규모의 학술 행사가 될 것이며, 특히 해외의 많은 학자들이 참여하는 명실상부한 국제학술대회가 될 것입니다. KAMALL 회원님들의 많은 관심과 참여를 바라며 2월15일 마감인 CALL for Paper를 보내 드리오니 발표 제목을 먼저 공동학술대회 홈페이지를 통하여 제출해주시기 바랍니다.  감사합니다.




2021 Joint International Conference (Online)




English Language Teaching and Learning in the Post COVID-19 Era


July 1- 3 (Thursday-Saturday), 2021


Deadline for proposal (title only) submission:

February 15 (Mon.), 2021


Deadline for abstract submission:

April 30 (Fri.), 2021


Conference Theme and Topics of Interest


The theme of this year's conference is English Language Teaching and Learning in the Post COVID-19 Era. Proposals which focus on the conference theme will receive first consideration; however, all proposals in the specific areas of English Language Teaching will be gratefully received.


How to Submit Your Proposal


For online submission, visit our conference homepage “http://www.jointconf2021.com and click “Submit Your Proposal”.


1.     Title Submission (by February 15 (Mon), 2021)

Submit a title of your presentation and a presenter’s information (name, affiliation, email, and phone number).


2.     Abstract Submission (by April 30 (Fri.), 2021)

Submit an abstract (250 words) and presenter’s bio-data (50 words).



For more information regarding proposal submission, please email the conference submission chair at jointconf2021@gmail.com.


Types of Presentations


Research paper - 25 minutes

Teaching demonstration - 25 minutes

Poster presentation


Important Dates


Proposal (title) submission deadline: February 15 (Mon.), 2021 (Any submission after the deadline will be placed on a reserve list)


Proposal (abstract) submission deadline: April 30 (Fri.), 2021


Acceptance decision: Proposal will be reviewed by the selection committee and authors will be notified by May 15 (Sat.) 2021.



Members and non-members are welcome for submission. We look forward to receiving your proposal and welcoming you to the conference!



 2021 Joint International Conference Organizing Committee


Gyoomi Kim, Secretary General

PhD./Prof., College of Liberal Arts, Semyung University

Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning (http://kamall.or.kr/)

Email: kamallinfo@gmail.com 

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