글번호 : 124585732

작성일 : 19.07.31 | 조회수 : 1131

제목 : [미국대사관 아메리칸센터] American Instructor 모집 공고 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: PROPOSAL-Individual-Template.docx

·        Grant Announcement : 2019 American Instructor (English Lounge Program at the American Center Korea)



Grant Announcement:

2019 American Instructor

Application Deadline: August 4, 2019


Title of Program: English Lounge Program at the American Center Korea


Goals and Objectives: 


English Lounge program will run on twice a month basis for the period of a year, for a total of 24 sessions.  This program is a way for the embassy to foster communication with future rising leaders and established leaders. The topic of each program is something drawn from current affairs and the goals of the program are for Koreans to practice their English and for them to gain a better understanding of U.S. Policy, American culture, and society.

Instructor prepares thematic teaching materials; leads participants to practice conversing in English; discusses current issues; helps participants learn more about U.S.-ROK relations, U.S. policy, history, culture, and society; shares American ideas and values. Instructor also leads interactive discussion with participants and share ideas.

Specific goals include:


To broaden ROK understanding of and support for U.S. policy and promote English language learning opportunities;

To cover topics in the theme of inclusiveness of diversity, tolerance, supporting human rights, U.S.-ROK alliance, following the PAS Korea 2019 priorities;

To provide accurate information about U.S.-ROK alliance, U.S. policy, culture, social trends, history, society, and values;

To engage with future rising leaders, and established leaders via English speaker programs;

To promote inclusivity, tolerance, and interfaith cooperation, supporting human rights of disabled and LBGT persons, multicultural families, and adherents of minority religions

Eligibility: College degree; teaching skills (teaching background is preferred); presentation skills; interpersonal skills. This is an outreach tool for the U.S. Embassy.


Language: All programs are conducted in English.


Program Venue: American Center Korea, U.S. Embassy Annex, in Namyoung-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul


Audience: Future rising leaders and established leaders (mostly university, graduate students, high school students with some English teachers and young professionals, ages range from 18 to 40)


Period and Financial Support:


Period: 12 months (October 2019 – September 2020)

Grant ceiling amount: not to exceed approximately $5,300. This total amount $5,300 includes honorarium, curriculum development fee, and class materials.

Important Dates:


July 15: U.S. Embassy Begins Accepting American Instructor Applications

August 4: Final Deadline for American Instructor Submissions

August 5 – 16: Request for Invitation-Only Interviews will be issued. Interview Instructions will be provided to Selected Candidates.

August 16 -23: Announcement of American Instructor Award Recipient

October 2019 – September 2020: American Instructor Grantee Period

How to Apply:  Please submit the following materials to AmericanCenterKorea@state.gov no later than August 4, 2019, (Email Subject Line: Application-English Lounge American Instructor: Name)

-          CV or résumé with cover letter

-          Grant proposal – use attached government form

Review Criteria:

Selection will be made based on below review criteria:

1. Grant Proposal

2. Previous Work Experience, Training, and Education

3. Interview

·        Grant Announcement: 2019 American Instructor (U.S. Policy Series at the American Center Korea)



Grant Announcement:

2019 American Instructor

Application Deadline: August 4, 2019


Title of Program: U.S. Policy Series at the American Center Korea


Goals and Objectives: 

U.S.A. Policy Series will run on twice a month basis for the period of a year, for a total of 24 sessions.  This program is a way for the embassy to engage with future rising leaders, and established leaders. The topic of each program is something drawn from current affairs and the goals of the program are for Koreans to broaden ROK understanding of and support for U.S. policy and gain a better understanding of American culture and society.

Instructor prepares thematic teaching materials; leads participants to discuss current issues; helps participants learn more about U.S. policy, history, culture, and society; shares American ideas and values. Instructor also leads interactive discussion with participants and share ideas.


Specific goals include:


To broaden ROK understanding of and support for U.S. policy and promote English language learning opportunities;

To cover topics in the theme of inclusiveness of diversity, tolerance, supporting human rights, U.S.-ROK alliance, following the PAS Korea 2019 priorities;

To provide accurate information about U.S.-ROK alliance, U.S. policy, culture, social trends, history, society, and values;

To engage with future rising leaders, and established leaders via English speaker programs;

To promote inclusivity, tolerance, and interfaith cooperation, supporting human rights of disabled and LBGT persons, multicultural families, and adherents of minority religions


Eligibility: College degree; teaching skills (teaching background is preferred); presentation skills; interpersonal skills. This is an outreach tool for the U.S. Embassy.


Language: All programs are conducted in English.


Program Venue: American Center Korea, U.S. Embassy Annex, in Namyoung-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul


Audience: Future rising leaders and established leaders (Mostly university, graduate students, high school students with some young professionals. Ages range from 18 to 40.)


Period and Financial Support:


Period: 12 months (October 2019 – September 2020)

Grant ceiling amount: not to exceed approximately $5,300. This total amount $5,300 includes honorarium, curriculum development fee, and class materials.

Important Dates:


July 15: U.S. Embassy Begins Accepting American Instructor Applications

August 4: Final Deadline for American Instructor Submissions

August 5 – 16: Request for Invitation-Only Interviews will be issued. Interview Instructions will be provided to Selected Candidates.

August 16 -23: Announcement of American Instructor Award Recipient

October 2019 – September 2020: American Instructor Grantee Period

How to Apply:  Please submit the following materials to AmericanCenterKorea@state.gov no later than August 4, 2019, (Email Subject Line: Application-U.S. Policy Series American Instructor: Name)

-          CV or résumé with cover letter

-          Grant proposal – use attached government form

Review Criteria:

Selection will be made based on below review criteria:

1. Grant Proposal

2. Previous Work Experience, Training, and Education

3. Interview

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