글번호 : 166427847

작성일 : 23.01.09 | 조회수 : 1746

제목 : [등록] 2023 Spring Tuition Payment for freshmen with foreign nationalities (2023 전기 외국인 신입생 등록금 납부 안내) 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

2023 Spring Tuition Payment for

freshmen with foreign nationalities

(2023 전기 외국인 신입생 등록금 납부안내)


  TESOL대학원의 2023학년도 전기 외국인 신입생의 등록금 납부 안내(2023-1학기)를 아래와 같이 공지하오니, 외국인
신입생 여러분들께서는 정확히 참고하시어 차질없이 등록을 완료해 주시기 부탁드립니다
. 비자발급을 위한 법무부
입국관리사무소 지침에 따라 외국인 신입생 여러분들의 표준입학허가서 발급을 위한 조치이므로, 해당 기간 내에 납부
부탁드립니다. ※ 등록금 및 입학금 전액을 납부해야만 표준입학허가서 발급 가능


  For freshmen with foreign nationalities of 2023 Spring, please click on the icon below to print your
invoice for tuition payment. This is for issuing「Certificate of Admission」needed to acquire
student visa(D-2) according to Korea Immigration Service of Ministry of Justice.
* Your「Certificate of Admission」can be issued only when tuition payment is completed.


-   아        래  Below   -


신입생 Freshmen Tuition payment details :

  This is to enable international students to prepare for student visa(D-2) by issuing

「Certificate of Admission」in advance. Therefore, please read the details below

thoroughly and complete the payment.

I. Freshmen Tuition Payment Details

 ○ 대  상 자(Who): 2023학년도 전기 신입생 전체(특별전형 및 일반전형)

                    All 2023 Spring accepted candidates with foreign nationalities

 ○ 납부금액(Payment amount)등록금 잔액(본등록금 차액) 및 원우회비

                              A part of full tuition & enrollment fee + Student Body fee

 ○ 금액내역등록예치금(500,000)을 제외한 나머지 금액

                    Excluding the 500,000won downpayment

 ○ 납부기간(Payment Period): 2023. 1. 16(Mon) ~ 1. 20(Fri)

                       * The admission will be canceled unless you complete payment within the period above.



 ○ 납부장소(Payment Method)우리은행 전국지점 또는 가상계좌 납부 가능

                                             By visiting any Woori bank or money transfer

 ○ 납부방법(Payment Options in Detail)

  (1) 인터넷 뱅킹모바일 뱅킹 등의 방법을 이용하여 부여된 가상계좌로 입금(단, 가상계좌 입금 가능시간은 평일 09:00~16:00까지 입니다.)

      Internet Banking: Money transfer to your designated account (Transaction must be done within the bank

                        working hours 9am-4pm, KST)

  (2) 고지서를 출력하여 우리은행(전국지점)을 직접 방문하여 납부 또는 타 은행에서 납입 

         Print out the invoice and visit any Wooribank in person.

  (3) 납입시 발생하는 수수료는 본인 부담입니다. Any transaction fee occurred should be paid by the student.


 ○ 주의사항(Warning)

  (1) 가상계좌 입금은 단 1회만 사용 가능합니다.(1회만 입금 가능)

      The account given is a designated account that can only be used once.

  (2) 등록금 이외에 기타 납입금(원우회비 등)까지 납부하실 경우에는 등록금에 원우회비 등을 합산하여

       (등록금기타 납입금한꺼번에 납부하시기 바랍니다.

      If you are planning to pay the student body fee, it should be added on to your tuition and be paid   
      together in single transaction.


 ○ 입금확인은 입금일로부터 약 1일 경과 후 확인이 됩니다.

  - It takes one day from the admin office to c○nfirm your tuition payment.

 ○ 입금확인전화(TESOL대학원 교학처 02-2173-3521) 또는 이메일(tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr)

  - If you wish to double check your payment, please call or email us one day after you have made the payment.

 ○ 등록금 영수증은 재발행하지 않으므로 소중히 보관하여 주시고 본 영수증은 소득세법 시행규칙에 의거 교육비납입증명서로
   사용할 수 있습니다
.(취소 및 환불시에도 필요함)

  - The invoice is only issued until the last day of the payment period. So make sure to print it out in time

    if you need it.


 ○ 등록금고지서 출력: 아래 메뉴를 클릭하세요.(2023년 1월 9(월)부터 출력가능)

    Click on the icon below to print out the invoice. You will need to input your name, date of birth, and  

    application number. The invoice is accessible and printable from January 9th, 2023.

   ☞ 신입생 Icon for freshmen: 등록금고지서 
(Accessible from 10 AM January 9th, 2023, KST)



[Before beginning of the semester] Refund of deposit and the rest of the tuition fee

   1) If you want to get refund of deposit and the rest of the tuition fee:
Homepage of Graduate School of TESOL(http://tesolgs.hufs.ac.kr) Documents & Forms Department Documents Click the post “신입학 취소 신청원서Download the attached file and fill out the form <신입학 취소 신청원서> Submit the form with receipt of payment(copy) & copy of the handbook to the admistrative office by post, fax, e-mail, or visiting the office. Be sure to check out the result of submission on the phone.

   2) For further details(Amount of refund, procedure, etc.), please contact us.

   3) The procedure of refund can take about from 2 weeks to 3 weeks after the submission.


[After beginning of the semester] Refund of the rest of the tuition fee

   1) If you want to get refund of the rest of the tuition fee after beginning of the semester:
Homepage of Graduate School of TESOL(http://tesolgs.hufs.ac.kr) Documents & Forms Department Documents Click the post “자퇴원서Download the attached file and fill out the form <자퇴원서> Submit the form with receipt of payment(copy) & copy of the handbook to the admistrative office by post, fax, e-mail, or visiting the office. Be sure to check out the result of submission on the phone.

   2) For further details(Amount of refund, procedure, etc.), please contact us.

   3) The Admission Fee will not be refunded after beginning of the semester. Only the rest of the tuition fee will be refunded depending on the date of reason occurrence for refund in accordance with rules of refund. Make sure that you cannot get refund of full amount. The amount of refund is decided depending on the date of refund application.

   4) The procedure of refund can take about from 2 weeks to 3 weeks after the submission.



한국외국어대학교 대학원 교학처 사무2

TESOL대학원 교학처(대학원건물 1층 111)

TEL. 02-2173-3521    FAX. 02-2173-3358

http://tesolgs.hufs.ac.kr    tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr

()02450 서울특별시 동대문구 이문로 107


2023. 1. 9




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