글번호 : 114912266

작성일 : 18.12.11 | 조회수 : 894

제목 : 재입학허가원서 Readmission application form 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: Readmission Application Form.docx

Students who have been removed from the student register after having entered the University and having been enrolled for more than one semester who desire to continue their studies at the University are eligible for readmission, which shall be permitted through the recommendation of the head of the graduate school when there is a vacancy under the student quota of the graduate school.


Student should apply at least 3 months before the first day of school for the semester they wish to start.


Submit the following:

1. Readmission Application form (See attached files)

2. 1 copy of their transcript

3. A brief statement of the reason(s) for abscence


The application does not guarantee the readmission and the office will be in contact of the detailed proceedure once the student applies.

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