글번호 : 151347854

작성일 : 21.04.14 | 조회수 : 293

제목 : [행사] 2021-1 역사탐방 유학생 참가자 모집/Foreign Student Recruitment for the Global History Tour 글쓴이 : 외국인유학생종합지원센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

국제청년센터는 국제청년의 나눔과 교류를 위한 국제NGO로 한국의 문화, 역사, 전통을 알리기 위한 '글로벌 역사탐방' 유학생 참가자 모집 합니다.


귀교에 재학중인 유학생들이 한국에 문화, 역사에 대한 깊이 있는 이해를 도와 줄 글로벌역사탐방 프로그램에 참여할 수 있도록 홍보 협조 요청 드립니다.

1. 모집 기간: 5월 2일(선착순)

2. 모집 인원 : 각 프로그램 30명

3. 프로그램 

 1) 일제 식민시대에 대한 이해

     ○ 일제 식민시대 강연 : 2021. 05. 15. 14:00~16:00 ( 2시간 )

      ○ 서대문 형무소 탐방 : 2021. 05. 22. 10:30~1:00 ( 2-3시간 )

   2) 한국전쟁에 대한 이해

       ○ 한국전쟁 강연 : 2021. 05. 22. 13:30~15:30 ( 2시간 )

        ○ 임진각 탐방 : 2021. 05. 29. 13:00~20:00 ( 7시간 )

4. 신청 방법 : QR코드 스캔 후 신청서 제출

5. 문의 bsbsbinn@naver.com

6. 주최 국제청년센터

보다 자세한 내용은 https://cafe.naver.com/uneedsbus/799 를 참조하세요.

<Foreign Student Recruitment for the Global History Tour>

Many people gave positive responses toward the program to visit Changdeokgung Palace and Suwon Hwaseong Fortress to learn about the Joseon Dynasty in November 2020. Thanks to your support, we decided to organize a new program about the Japanese colonial era and the Korean War. It will help to learn Korean modern history, understanding deeply current Korean society and Korean sentiment.

□ Application : May 2th, 2021

□ Qualification

Foreign students who live in or around Seoul

You must attend both the lecture and the tour.

You can apply to both programs, but can only participate in one.


□ Program details

1. Understanding Japanese colonial era

○ Lecture : May 15th, 2021 14:00-16:00 ( for 2 hours )

Site : Seoul NPO Center (Euljiro 1-ga Station)

Participants : 30 people

Activity Contents : Watch Movies and Dramas which deal Japanese

colonial era, and the project managers deliver information about it.

Then, there’s time to write your thoughts on activity paper after

listening the lecture, and we have some gift for who participate well.


○ Visit Seodaemun Prison : May 22th, 2021 10:30-1:00 ( for 2 to 3 hours )

Participants : 30 people ( two teams of 15 people )

Activity Contents : Docent Commentary by Seodaemun Prision will be used

Activity Participate fee : 3,000 KRW(entrance fee)

Transportation & Gathering place : We’ll meet at Exit 5 of Independence

Station. There’s no guide to get to the station, but will go to Seodaemun

Prison together after meeting at the station.



2. Understanding the Korean War

○ Lecture : May 22th, 2021 13:30-15:30 ( for 2 hours )

Site : Seoul NPO Center (Euljiro 1-ga Station)

Participants : 30 people

Activity Contents : Professional instructor will proceed the lecture about the

Korean War.


○ Visit Imjingak Pavilion : May 29th, 2021 13:00-20:00 ( for 7 hours )

Participants : 30 people

Activity Contents : Visit and view Imjingak Pavilion by using tour bus

Activity Participate fee : 20,000 KRW(entrance fee, Lunch, Travel insurance, Transportation costs)

Transportation & Gathering place : After meeting at Hapjeong Station,

we’re going to use the tour bus.


□ How to Apply : Scan QR code and submit your application



□ Contact : bsbsbinn@naver.com

□ Host : 국제청년센터 (ICY) 글로벌 역사탐방팀

* If you want more information, Visit our website  https://cafe.naver.com/uneedsbus/799  


There may be changes in activities due to Covid-19.

If there is any change, we will contact you through email or Kakaotalk

that you left on Google form.



"유학생은 우리의 자산이며 미래입니다."


국제청년센터(International Center for Youth)  www.intcenter.org

국제청년센터 페이스북  https://www.facebook.com/groups/intcenterfu/

국제청년센터 블로그 https://blog.naver.com/usisrc


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