글번호 : 157508022

작성일 : 21.09.08 | 조회수 : 317

제목 : [행사]외국인 취업관련 전문 플랫폼 잡패스코리아 서비스 개시 및 온라인 세미나 이벤트 글쓴이 : 외국인유학생종합지원센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 2021 Career Networking Day 포스터.png 외부 홍보레터 1.png

[2021 Career Networking Day]


Do you want to get hired in Korea?

Then don’t miss out on our "2021 Career Networking Day" online Youtube event.


It would be a great opportunity for you to get an idea about how the platform

"JobpassKorea" works and obtain useful information that could be a key tip for employment from people who have successfully landed jobs here in Korea!



Date & Time

Oct 15th Friday 15:00~16:00pm



Youtube online



Anyone who is interested in this event



- About JobpassKorea

- Career Talks



info@jobpasskorrea.com / @jobpasskorea (Instagram)



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