글번호 : 14587590

작성일 : 12.04.25 | 조회수 : 384

제목 : Special lecture: Prof. Gebhard 글쓴이 : 영어교육전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

<Special Lecture>


강사:  Prof. Jerry Gebhard (Professor Emeritus, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA) 

제목: Reflection on Teaching: How to Continually Develop Our Teaching


일시: 2012. 4. 30. (Mon) 13:30

장소: 대학원 지하  001


다음은 초록과 그 분의 biodata입니다.



Reflection on Teaching: How to Continually Develop Our Teaching


Jerry G. Gebhard

Professor Emeritus, Indiana University of Pennsylvania


The purpose of this talk is to define reflective teaching and to show second language teachers how they can systematically reflect on their teaching. The talk begins with a discussion of what reflective teaching is, including a discussion of reflection-on-action and reflection-in-action.


The talk then turns to how teachers can reflect on their teaching by keeping an intrapersonal teaching journal (communication with self) or a dialogue journal (communication with others). This discussion includes the kind of content that can go into a teaching journal, the process through which a journal can be kept, and research on the kinds of questions that inexperienced and experienced teachers include in their journals.


The talk then goes forward with a discussion on how teachers can systematically reflect on teaching through systematic observation of other teachers as a way to see their own teaching in the teaching of others, as well as on observation of their own teaching. This discussion includes highlighting a cyclic process of observation that includes collecting samples of teaching, analyzing these samples, reflecting and interpreting what these samples mean, and generating changes in teaching. Time permitting; examples of the process will be given to illustrate how teachers have gone through the process of observation.


The talk concludes with encouraging words for teachers to make reflective practices a part of their teaching and on-going career as professional TESOL practitioners.






Jerry Gebhard is Professor of English Education at Pusan National University and Professor Emeritus at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). At IUP he taught TESOL courses in the Graduate Program in Composition & TESOL and served as the director of the MA TESOL and Ph.D. programs.

Dr. Gebhard’s initial experience as a teacher began in the late 1960’s and early 70’s in Northeast Thailand where he taught Buddhist monks English. This experience motivated him to earn an MA in ESL at the University of Hawaii where he also taught Vietnamese and Laotian refugees. After completing his MA, he worked as a cross-cultural sensitivity trainer in Japan , taught language skills at Bangkok College (now Bangkok University ) and English majors at Thammasat University in Thailand . He then moved to New York where he completed a doctoral degree at Teachers College, Columbia University .

Throughout his career, Dr. Gebhard has maintained two areas of academic interest, those of Second Language Teacher Development and Intercultural Communication. Within the area of teacher development, his goal has been to show teachers how they can make their own informed teaching decisions. Within his interest of Intercultural Communication, his ambition has been to understand patterns of communication in Thailand , Japan , and Korea , as well as how people adjust to life in new countries.

 Dr. Gebhard has published a variety of book chapters and journal articles on both areas of interest,. Some recent publications include: The TESOL practicum. (In The Cambridge Guide to Second Language Teacher Education, edited by A. Burns and J.C. Richards, Cambridge University Press), A mutual learning experience: Collaborative journaling between a nonnative speaker intern and native-speaker cooperating-teacher (Asian EFL Journal, with T. Nagamine), Teacher development through exploration: Principles and activities (TESOL-EJ) and Awareness of teaching through action research: Examples, benefits, limitations (JALT Journal).


His books include What Do International Students Think and Feel? Adapting to U.S. College Life and Culture (The University of Michigan Press , in press), Teaching English as a Foreign and Second Language: A Self-development and Methodology Guide. (The University of Michigan Press, 2006), and Language Teaching Awareness: A Guide to Exploring Beliefs and Practices. (Cambridge University Press, 1999, with Robert Oprandy)

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