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글번호 : 191947847

작성일 : 24.11.09 | 조회수 : 155

제목 : 저명학자 특강: Dr. Nathanael Rudolph (일본 Kindai Univ. 교수) 글쓴이 : 영어교육전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
사범대학 영어교육과 주관 저명학자 특강이 있어 안내드립니다. 여러분의 많은 참여를 바랍니다. 
일시: 11월 22일 (금) 오후 2시
장소: 교수회관 2층 세미나실
강사: Dr. Nathanael Rudolph (일본 Kindai Univ. 교수)
주제: English language teaching as an ideological battlefield

Nathanael Rudolph is a prominent sociolinguist who is an associate editor of the Journal of Language, Identity and Education as well as managing editor of Asian Englishes
What I mean by this, is that within ELT in Japan and Korea, there are competing ideas of Selfhood and Otherness. In Korea, for example, "Selfhood" (Koreanness) is generally imagined as a largely stable monolithic thing, contrasted with a western, native English-speaking "Otherness." This ideology has been challenged by people who say that the world is diverse and complex, and so is "Korea." (note: some people, for example ELF scholars, discuss diversity and complexity outside South Korea, but fail to discuss South Korea, and thus perpetuate the idea of homogeneity. I would imagine this as a variation of the first view). Anyway, these two ideas result in very different ways of approaching things such as language-related theory, research, teaching, curriculum development, policy-making, assessment, and hiring practices.
I discuss this topic with undergraduate students in my classes here in Japan, using Japanese society and language education here for my examples. I could do the same thing at HUFS (so that students have that added experience, and so they can draw on their own experiences in our dialogue).


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