글번호 : 92547301

작성일 : 15.02.09 | 조회수 : 989

제목 : 한국원자력연구원 박사후 연수생 채용(외국인) 글쓴이 : 대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: Recruitment_KAERI(한국원자력연구원).docx



All foreigners received doctoral degree in Korea may apply for this professional position. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) will place a job announcement on its homepage (http://www.kaeri.re.kr) after the middle of March, 2015. If you are interested in this professional position, please send an e-mail to the “Contact” without any hesitation.


Number of Positions  available


Job Title

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Working Organization

International Education Team at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)



Summary of Duties

The Post-Doctoral Researcher is a key position serving at the International Education Team in the KAERI. The International Education Team at the KAERI annually performs numerous international education programs for foreigners on the basis of bilateral or multilateral cooperation between Korea and any other countries or international organization in the nuclear field.

Duties of this position include implementing and assisting the international education programs; communicating with individuals taking charge of the international education programs on the bilateral or multilateral cooperation; analyzing a variety of needs which any other countries or international organizations show; designing international education programs on the needs; developing and implementing the international education programs; evaluating the international education programs before starting and after finishing the programs.

Additional Information for Application

This is a 36-month term position starting at the beginning or the middle of April or May, 2015. Before the official selection process, candidates interested in this professional position will need to contact to a senior researcher or a head (mentioned below) of the international education team at the KAERI preferential, with the materials listed below.

1.      Vitae or Resume, with indicating your interest in, goals for, and expectations at the KAERI

2.      Copy of graduate school academic transcript

3.       Two letters of professional reference, as preferable

Required Qualifications

Completion of doctoral degree and an equivalent combination of education and experience; ability to use Microsoft Office software (e.g. Outlook, Word, Excel and Power Point) and internet searching; ability to prepare document written in English to complex nature with a high level of accuracy; ability to positively communicate in English with various types of colleagues and positions.

Desired Qualifications

Understanding of nuclear or education field as preferable


Approximately, KRW 54,000,000 annually

Posting Start Date


Posting End Date





Please contact for question

1.       Hyeon-Jin Kim

Senior Researcher of International Education Team,

Nuclear Training and Education Center,

989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,

305-353, Korea

hj_kim@kaeri.re.kr, Telephone: +82-42-868-2667


2.       Hyun Ki Kim,

Head of International Education Team,

Nuclear Training and Education Center,

989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,

305-353, Korea

hkkim0@kaeri.re.kr,Telephone: +82-42-868-4548


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