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Notice & News

Article No. : 150173132

작성일 : 21.02.17 | 조회수 : 995

제목 : Application for matching Advisor(2021 Spring semester) Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: 지도교수+배정+신청서(Application for Matching Advisor).hwp

Application for matching Advisor(2021 Spring semester)


1. Subjects :

▶ Those who have not applied for matching advisor yet.

▶ Those who want to take Thesis Guidance(논문지도) in this semester.


2. Qualification of Advisor : A full-time professor or above in HUFS whose major is same with student's studying area.


3. Application process : 

  1) Download an application form of matching advisor(지도교수 배정 신청원)

  2) Consult with head professor about matching advisor

  3) Head professor will recommend advisor professor to students

  4) Consult with advisor professor

  5) Submit the application form after getting confirmation of head professor and advisor.


4. Application period Mar. 9(Tue.) ∼ 15(Mon.)

▶ The form should be submitted within the period above.




2021. 2.


Graduate School

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