글번호 : 158399589

작성일 : 21.10.15 | 조회수 : 256

제목 : 조영한 교수, 이미카 연구원 공동 연구 논문 출판 글쓴이 : 국제협력전략센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
조영한 교수와 코레아노폰 연구센터 연구원인 이미카 연구원이 공동으로 연구 논문을 출판하였습니다. 한국학 연구에 새로운 시도가 되길 기대합니다.
Title: Banal Orientalism on YouTube: ‘Eat Your Kimchi’ as a New Cultural Intermediary and its Representation of South Korea
Author: Mikah Lee and Younghan Cho
You can download it freely from Asian Communication Research website, or click http://acr.comm.or.kr/xml//30468/30468.pdf
This study examines the emergence of YouTube and its content creators as a major platform for introducing, mediating and interpreting South Korea to global audiences. By exploring Eat Your Kimchi (EYK), a YouTube channel based on content about Korea, this study discusses the novel roles and strategies of YouTubers as transnational cultural intermediaries, who as white expats continue to translate and interpret the East (i.e., South Korea) to the West, (i.e., Anglophone audiences). Firstly, EYK employ a strategy of selectively articulating their dual identity both as amateurs with no academic background or authority, and as cultural experts based on their hands-on experiences in South Korea. Secondly, EYK reproduce the discursive themes of infantilizing and othering South Korea, emphasizing cultural hierarchy, though in a subtle, everyday manner. This study suggests these discursive strategy and themes as seminal constituents of banal Orientalism that EYK as transnational cultural intermediaries produce in the process of introducing Korean society and its people to the globe. By highlighting banal Orientalism, which is repeatedly and successfully constructed in EYK’s discourses, we call attention to the cultural politics of YouTubers as one of the most influential transnational cultural intermediaries for online representation across countries, their cultures and societies.


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