글번호 : 170538021

작성일 : 23.02.14 | 조회수 : 297

제목 : [논문] 안데스의 수막 까우사이와 아이유: 조화와 공존 글쓴이 : 중남미연구소
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학술지 구분등재
저서명산업 활동과 환경변이의 역학관계: 브라질 농업발달의 통시적 궤도에서
학술지명안과밖:영미문학연구 (안과밖)
초록The idea of ecological civilization is of growing importance as an antidote to the crisis of capitalism facing all humanity in today’s society. Ecological civilization aims at the mode of life in which humans live in harmony with the natural world, recognizing the shared proprietorship of both. Therefore, communitarianism, that is, a communal way of life, matters in such a mode of life and hence the need to shed new light on Sumak Kawsay (buen vivir) of the indigenous people in the Andes of Latin America. In the age of the Inca Empire, the Andean indigenous people sought to realize Sumak Kawsay they sought in their community, which they called ayllu. It meant respect for the natural would, which they called pachamama; moreover, it extolled the mutual harmony of mankind and nature. They lived a communal life of sharing land and exchanging labor, although the transactions within ayllu were based on realistic needs, and were accompanied by coercion and punishment. Clearly this forms a stark contrast to life in today’s capitalist society where competition, discrimination and hatred dominate. The life of the Andean indigenous people, which seeks coexistence with nature and cooperation among community members, is worth noting particularly as a new alternative to the life under capitalism.


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