글번호 : 129527213

작성일 : 19.11.26 | 조회수 : 518

제목 : A new Ukrainian textbook by Prof. Olena Shegel: Рушаймо! Розмовна Мова (Рівень 1) 글쓴이 : 동유럽발칸연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Ukrainian Conversation Phase 1 Рушаймо! Розмовна Мова(Рівень 1) was published by professor Olena Shchegel from the Department of Ukrainian Studies.

Consisting of Korean,
and Ukrainian, this conversation textbook is structured by 10 chapters and is suitable for students and the general public learning Ukrainian for the first time.

It is expected to help learn Ukrainian, as it has been based on practice at the Ukrainian language education site for the past six years,

If you wish to purchase this book, please contact the Ukrainian language department office (+82-31-330-4873).




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