글번호 : 122227211
작성일 : 19.05.31 | 조회수 : 2399
제목 : [2019 ISS] 한국외대 전공학점 인정(서울) | 글쓴이 : ISS |
첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다. | |
< 한국외국어대학교 전공학점 인정 과목 리스트(서울) >
1. 영어대학
1) ELLT/영어학과 (※ 2학점 인정)
- Academic English : Reading & Writing - Presenting in English for TV and Radio
2) 영미문화문화학과
- Introduction to American History - Academic English : Reading & Writing
3) EICC학과
- North Korean Security and Development Issues - Human Rights in North Korea - Inter-Korean and East-Asian Foreign and Secruity Policy - Transnational Asia : Media, Cities, and People - Korean Drama of the Diaspora: The Rise and Demise of Kyopo - Academic English : Reading & Writing - Presenting in English for TV and Radio - Korea's Religious and Philosophical Traditions : From Mountain Gods to Sages - Korean Cinema (Workshop) - Korean Wave : Contemporary Korean Popular Culture - Introduction to Psychology - Introduction to the World History - World War 1 & 2 - Introduction to American History - Introduction to Religion - Introduction to Philosophy - Introduction to Ethics - English Literature - Seeing Community
4) 영어학부
- Korean Drama of the Diaspora: The Rise and Demise of Kyopo - Academic English : Reading & Writing - Presenting in English for TV and Radio - English Literature - Seeing Community
2. 사회과학대학
1) 정치외교학과
- North Korean Security and Development Issues - Inter-Korean and East-Asian Foreign and Security Policy
2) 행정학과
- Understanding Korean Economy : Growth and Development - Introduction to Macroeconomics
3) 미디어커뮤니케이션 학부
- Transnational Asia : Media, Cities, and People - Korean Cinema (Workshop) - Korean Wave : Contemporary Korean Popular Culture
3. 상경대학
1) 경제학부
- Understanding Korean Economy : Growth and Development - Econometrics - Business Statistics
4. 경영대학
1) 경영학부
- Consumer Behavior in Asia : Unique Issues and Marketing Practices - Current Topics in Marketing : Developing Social Media Marketing Strategies - Strategic Management - Human Capital in Organizations - Business Statistics - Principle of Marketing - International Business
5. 사범대학
1) 영어교육과
- Academic English : Reading & Writing - Presenting in English for TV and Radio
6. 국제학부
1) 국제학부
- Understanding Korean Economy : Growth and Development - North Korean Security and Development Issues - Inter-Korean and East-Asian Foreign and Security Policy - Academic English : Reading & Writing - Presenting in English for TV and Radio - Korean Wave : Contemporary Korean Popular Culture - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations - Calculus 1 - Calculus 2 - Introduction to Macroeconomics - Introduction to Microeconomics - Human Capital in Organizations - Business Statistics
7. LT학부
1) LT학부
- Understanding Korean Economy : Growth and Development - Consumer Behavior in Asia : Unique Issues and Marketing Practices - Current Topics in Marketing : Developing Social Media Marketing Strategies - Introduction to Macroeconomics - Introduction to Microeconomics - Econometrics - Intermediate Macroeconomics - Intermediate Microeconomics - Strategic Management - Human Capital in Organization - Business Statistics - Principle of Marketing - International Business
8. KFL학부
1) KFL학부
- Korea's Religious and Philosophical Traditions : From Mountain Gods to Sages