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작성일 : 24.03.13 | 조회수 : 572

제목 : [벨기에 EPHEC] Ephec SUMMER SCHOOL (2024) : 'Sustainability challenges for small & medium companies' 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: EPHEC SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 leaflet short.pdf

우리 대학 자매대학교인 벨기에 EPHEC에서 주관하는 여름학기 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


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- 아    래 -

We are pleased to inform/remind you that EPHEC organizes its 2nd edition of our SUMMER SCHOOL (2024) : Sustainability challenges for small & medium companies (5 ECTS) https://www.ephec.be/summer-school. Please see also our leaflet attached.




The following edition of this not-to-be-missed programme will take place in Brussels, heart of Europe, in June 2024, from Monday 17/06 to Saturday 29/06/2024 (Accommodation has been booked from Sunday 16/06 until Saturday 29/06).




This is a 10-day programme which offers participants a unique opportunity to explore the Sustainability challenges at stake for SME’s for today and tomorrow.




It is intended for international students willing to boost their business skills, enhance their knowledge of this strategic issue and help them to gain a better understanding of the challenges in Sustainability.


Programme at a glance


The programme combines:


*            lectures/testimonies led by professionals, 

*            individual and group assignment, 

*            study and company visits,

*            social/cultural activities/visits

*            Pedagogical challenges & assignments

*            Participants will receive 5 credits (ECTS) upon successful completion of the programme.




Would your student(s) like to register to the EPHEC SUMMER SCHOOL « Sustainability challenges for small & medium companies (5 ECTS)» organized in Brussels at Ephec University College?




Registrations are open until 15 April, 2024. They will be handled on a first come first served basis.

Deposit is requested for c○nfirming the registration (300€).

  • Please make the payment with details below.
  • Bank account name: EPHEC asbl
  • Bank name: Fortis banque
  • IBAN: 37 2100 89664428
  • Communication: Name and institution


After completing the form you'll be contacted by the organizing team.


All information (programme, objectives, price, accommodation, etc) here : SUMMER SCHOOL (2024) : Sustainability challenges for small & medium companies (5 ECTS) <https://www.ephec.be/summer-school>


We are looking forward to meeting you!


Best regards,


For the organizing team

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