글번호 : 163080499

작성일 : 22.11.17 | 조회수 : 924

제목 : Online Application Guideline for International Students (UWAY Apply) 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
* The UWAY Online application web page is activated only during the application period.

According to the signing-up page above, international students can choose the language option 'English' on the top of the right side, and sign up.
Applicants can write anything, including their names, in either English or Korean.
Also, applicants who do not have alien registration number can sign up without it. (There is an option for those who don't have the number)
Once you have created accounts and searched on the search engine for 'GS TESOL,' you will find this page below. 
As shown in the red box at the top of the page, applicants must follow the steps.
1. Notice
2. Apply
3. Application Fee
4. Confirmation

After filling in every blank on the form, you can make a payment for the application fee.

If the application fee has been paid, there will be a confirmation page below. You can recheck your application here.

In order to submit the application, you will need to print the 'Application Form' out and send it along with other documents via mail or in person after completing it.
If there is any difficulty while you are applying online, please contact GS TESOL OFFICE.

E-mail : tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr



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