글번호 : 95455350
작성일 : 17.08.24 | 조회수 : 4486
제목 : 논문트랙 일정 Thesis Track Schedule | 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
첨부파일: 2024-2 논문 작성 및 제출 일정표(국문).pdf 2024-2 Thesis Track Schedule(English).pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please scroll down to see the whole page from the top to the BOTTOM of this page. (Make sure to check for advisor request form, proposal request form, and proposal presentation method) The thesis schedule is fixed with the weeks of the semester. The first week starts on the first week of semester. Each semester has 16 weeks.
Thesis Schedule
◆ TESOL대학원 은행계좌 : 우리 1005-201-142404, 한국외국어대학교 (입금 후 입금증 사본을 함께 제출해 주십시오.) ◆ 우편물 보내실 곳 : 02450, 서울 동대문구 이문로 107, 한국외국어대학교 TESOL대학원 교학과 ◆ TESOL대학원 교학과 TEL: 02-2173-3521, FAX: 02-2173-3358, E-mail: tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr
2024 Fall Semester Weekly Dates
■ 2024 Fall Semester Thesis Track ▶Submit Advisor Request Form: September 19 - September 20 ① Please fill out the Advisor Request form. ② Send the Advisor Request form to head professor of your department and ※ How to ask signature of your head professor *It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name. ③ Please submit「completed Advisor Request Form」to GS TESOL Office e-mail(tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr).
▶Submit "Proposal Request Form+Proposal+Receipt of Reviewal Fee": ① Please fill out the Proposal Request Form. ② Send the Proposal Request Form to your advisor and ask him/her for his/her own signature on it. ※ How to ask signature of your advisor * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name. ③ Send the Proposal Request Form to head professor of your department and ask him/her for ※ How to ask signature of your head professor * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name. ④ Please submit「completed Proposal Request form」,「Proposal(3copies, spiral bound,
① Detailed Presentation Schedule will be announced later.
▶Submit "Presentation Request Form+Thesis+Receipt of Reviewal Fee": ① Please fill out the Presentation Request Form. ② Send the Presentation Request Form to your advisor and ask him/her for his/her own signature on it. ※ How to ask signature of your advisor * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name. ③ Send the Presentation Request Form to head professor of your department and ask him/her for ※ How to ask signature of your head professor * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name. ④ Please submit「completed Presentation Request form」,「Thesis(3copies, spiral bound,
① Detailed Presentation Schedule will be announced later.