글번호 : 42821431

작성일 : 14.08.06 | 조회수 : 662

제목 : [8.25-8.29]Tuition Payment for Fall Semester 2014 글쓴이 : paxsinica
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

2014학년도 제2학기 국제지역대학원 신입생(차액납부) 등록안내 아래와 같이 공고함.

Tuition Statement – New Students (Click)

아 래 -

1. 등록기간 : 2014 8 25() - 2014 8 29()(Aug. 25, 2014 – Aug. 29, 2014)
    ※ 해당기간에 등록하지 않으면 입학이 취소됩니다( If you do not pay the tuition balance during this period admission will be automatically canceled).

    ※ 등록금고지서는 8월 18일(월)부터 출력할 수 있습니다( You can print the tuition statement from Aug.18, 2014). 

2. 등록장소 우리은행 전국지점(Place of Payment: Woori Bank) 
     등록은행 이외의 다른 은행에서도 우리은행 가상계좌(등록고지서에 부여된 개별계좌번호) 무통장입금 가능(수수료 본인 부담). 가상계좌는 1회만 입금 가능합니다.

※ For Wire transfer: You can also make wire transfer to the virtual bank account indicated on your tuition statement between 9:00am ~ 5:00pm weekdays(Transfer fees are on each student’s own). Please make sure to transfer the full-amount at once. 
3. 등록금액 등록금고지서 참조(Tuition Amount: Please refer to the tuition statement)

4. 등록금 영수증은 재발행하지 않으므로 소중히 보관할 ( Receipt of tuition payment cannot be re-issued, so please be careful not to lose it)
5. 국제지역대학원 : 2173-2448(GSIAS Office (02-2173-2448))


2014학년도 제2학기 재학생 등록 안내

(Tuition Payment for Fall Semester 2014 (Current Students))

2014학년도 제2학기 국제지역대학원 재학생 등록안내 아래와 같이 공고함.


Tuition Statement- Current Students (Click)

아 래 -

1. 등록기간 : 2014 8 25()-2014 8 29()(Aug.25– Aug.29,2014)                 
2. 등록장소 우리은행국민은행제일은행농협 전국지점(Place of Payment: Woori Bank, Kookmin Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, or NH Bank) 
     등록은행 이외의 다른 은행에서도 우리은행 가상계좌(등록고지서에 부여된 개별계좌번호) 무통장입금 가능(수수료 본인 부담). 가상계좌는 1회만 입금 가능합니다.

※ For Wire transfer: You can also make wire transfer to the virtual bank account indicated on your tuition statement between 9:00am ~ 5:00pm weekdays (Transfer fees are on each student’s own). Please make sure to transfer the full-amount at once. 
3. 등록금액 등록금고지서 참조(Tuition Amount: Please refer to the tuition statement) 
4. 등록금 영수증은 재발행하지 않으므로 소중히 보관할 .(Receipt of tuition payment cannot be re-issued, so please be careful not to lose it.)

본 영수증은 소득세법 시행규칙에 의거 교육비납입증명서로 사용할 수 있음((The receipt can be used as a certificate of payment for education fee according to the income Tax Law) ) 
5. 복학생 등록절차(Return from Absence): 복학생은 복학신청(2014. 8.25()∼8.29())학교 홈페이지에서 등록금고지서를 출력하여 등록해야 함( International students should visit the GSIAS office for filling out a form for Return from Absence between August 25– August 29 before paying tuition fee).

복학 신청 승인전에는 등록금고지서 발급이 안 됨(Tuition statement cannot be issued before your request for return from absence is approved)

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