글번호 : 192197873

작성일 : 24.11.15 | 조회수 : 132

제목 : [코리아중앙데일리] K-campus SNS 챌린지 공모전 글쓴이 : 외국인유학생종합지원센터
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


Empowering international students in Korea! K-campus presents the 'EAT STUDY LOVE Scholarship,' offering you a chance to win up to 1,300,000 won in scholarships for every round of the program!

K-campus has got your back! 

Round 3: "Show your Jandi Challenge"

How to Apply

·    Create content (images or short-form videos) based on the three themes featuring Jandi.

·    Post your content on TikTok, Instagram or YouTube using the hashtags #kcampus_with_jandi and #EATSTUDYLOVE (ensure your  account is set to public). For Instagram submissions, tag our official account @kcampus.official.

·    Upload the link to your entry as a comment on the K-campus community post.


NOTE: Short-form video content should be in vertical format and under one minute. Entries showing any signs of plagiarism or use of previous participants' ideas will be disqualified.  

“EAT STUDY LOVE — Life with Jandi" themes: 

1.  EAT: Share your unique food experiences in Korea, from favorite dishes to interesting flavors you’ve discovered.

2.  STUDY: Highlight your academic life, study tips or memorable moments while studying in Korea.

3.  LOVE: Express what you love most about Korean life or your campus.


How to feature Jandi

        1.  Draw Jandi: Illustrate Jandi in a way that fits the chosen theme

        2.  Use Jandi merch: Use your Jandi merch to create content and share your story!


1st place: 500,000 KRW
2nd place: 300,000 KRW
3rd place: 100,000 KRW (5 winners)

Creative award: K-campus merch box (10 winners)

Application Period
Nov. 14 – Dec. 3, 2024 

Winner Announcement

Dec. 10 (via K-campus website and email) 

Round 4: Coming sooooon


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