글번호 : 159627922

작성일 : 22.01.03 | 조회수 : 8239

제목 : Year-end Tax Adjustment for Income Earned During 2021 글쓴이 : 재무회계팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 2021년 근로자 전산매뉴얼.pdf 2021년 연말정산 핵심요약 정리.pdf

Year-end Tax Adjustment for Income Earned During 2021

1. Thank you for your ceaseless devotion & dedication.


2. From this year, Insung Accounting Firm will be entrusted with the duty of our year-end tax adjustment. Thus, all faculty members are no longer required to submit the documents to HUFS Finance and Accounting Department. Instead, please sign in to the website of the accounting firm with your user name and password provided, fill out the form and attach the files downloaded from the Hometax website and other evidentiary documents. If this process is not done, you can only get the basic deductions as the year-end tax adjustment.


3. Instructions


a. PC or Mobile (j3.jtranet.co.kr) (Homepage POP-UP) Sign in with user name and password provided by SMS Click ‘연말정산 시작하기


b. Input Period : From Jan. 17(Mon) 2022 to Jan. 211(Fri) 2022


c. Results : Can be checked online from Feb. 25(Fri), 2022


d. Required Documents :

Files from Hometax and other evidentiary documents excluded from Hometax file

“Withholding Tax Receipts for Earned Income” from other work places (If applicable)

For foreign teachers- "Certificate of alien registration” (a copy of foreigner registration)

Order of documents submitted : Hometax file - Certificate of alien registration - Withholding Tax Receipt for Earned Income Hometax file etc.(Insurance Medical expense Education Donation Other deduction)


e. User information on year-end adjustment: https://youtu.be/69TH6gX1UMA


As for full-time teachers, if you have other income except from HUFS, please get "Withholding Tax Receipts for Earned Income" issued from other work places and attach it online when you file year-end tax adjustment report.


4. As part-time teachers, if you have other income except from HUFS, you should voluntarily file a Composite Income Tax Report to your district tax office in May 2022.


For those part-time teachers whose main workplace is other than the HUFS, the issuance of the "Withholding Tax Receipt for Earned Income" will be available from Jan. 17(Mon), 2022.


PC or Mobile (j3.jtranet.co.kr) (Homepage POP-UP) Sign in with user name and password provided by SMS Click ‘바로 정산하기Print


5. If you have business income over 300 million won, or in case of lateness, you should voluntarily file Composite Income Tax Report to your district tax office in May 2022.

Failure to file any income may lead to additional tax penalties


6. If there are any problems or inquiries, contact us at: (Insung Accounting Corporation : From 10AM to 3PM)

010-2485-5216, 010-2837-5216, 010-5893-5216, 010-8470-5216, 010-2718-5216, 010-2574-5216, 010-7936-5216, 010-5871-5216, 010-8237-5216


or please visit NTS(National Tax Service) :

NTS website(http://www.nts.go.kr/eng/index.asp)

“Help-desk for Foreign Taxpayers” at all NTS district offices

NTS English Assistance Hotline : 1588-0560 (in English)



2022. 1.


Dean of Administration Support



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