글번호 : 170367905
작성일 : 23.02.06 | 조회수 : 1910
제목 : [행사] 2023학년도 전기 신입생 오리엔테이션 (Freshmen Orientation) 안내 | 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원 |
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2023학년도 전기 신입생 오리엔테이션 참석 안내 2023 Spring Freshmen Orientation
1. 2023학년도 전기 신입생 오리엔테이션(2023 Spring Freshmen Orientation - Information for Event) 가. Date : 7pm on February 8th (Wednesday), 2023 나. Method : Online (using Zoom Meeting Room) - Zoom Meeting Room URL : will be sent to freshmen students who applied for Participation via e-mail on February 7th(Tuesday), 2023. 다. Attendance : 2023 Spring newly admitted students, members of Student committee, Faculty members
라. Events - Welcome Greeting by Dean - Introduction of Faculty members - Guidance for Academic Affairs - Introduction of Student Committee - Department Meeting(Student-Faculty)
2. 참석여부 연락 및 회신 협조 요청(Request for RSVP) 가. Please let us know of your attendance by clicking on the link we sent via e-mail.
나. RSVP by : 2023. 2. 2 (Thursday) *Rsvp needed even if you cannot attend.
한국외국어대학교 TESOL대학원 TEL. 02-2173-3521 FAX. 02-2173-3358 tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr, http://tesolgs.hufs.ac.kr (우)130-791 서울특별시 동대문구 이문로 107