글번호 : 86919518

작성일 : 17.02.02 | 조회수 : 725

제목 : [언어공학연구소]해외학자 초청 특강 (Obtaining High-Quality Linguistic Annotation for Natural Language Processing) 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 특강 안내문.pdf



언어공학연구소에서 해외학자 초청 특강을 개최합니다.

아래와 같이 프로그램을 첨부하오니, 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

일시: 2017281030


장소: 대학원 브릭스관


강사: Markus Dickinson (Associate Professor at Indiana University)


특강명: Obtaining High-Quality Linguistic Annotation for Natural Language Processing



In this talk I will first present some general ideas of Natural Language Processing (NLP), focusing specifically on the area of Intelligent Comptuer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL). I will specifically illustrate this with examples from the Korean Learner Language Analysis (KoLLA) project. The needs of ICALL applications will highlight the need for linguistic abstractions in NLP, including the need for high-quality annotated corpora. Developing high-quality annotation is a challenge, however, and in the second half of the talk I will present research from the Detecting Anomalous Parse Structures (DAPS) project, outlining some simple (and some more complex) ways to automatically find human-generated and automatically-generated annotation errors in corpora. The DAPS techniques seem to work well especially for small amounts of annotation, providing promise for bootstrapping larger corpora.



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