글번호 : 187177847

작성일 : 24.06.20 | 조회수 : 258

제목 : (무료 zoom 세미나) (예비) 영어 교사들을 위한 CELTA Online Course 글쓴이 : 영어대학
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

*본 공고는 해당 단체의 요청에 의한 것으로, 영어대학의 의견이나 입장과는 무관합니다.




(예비) 영어교사들을 위한 무료 화상 세미나입니다. 

CELTA Assessor인 James Forrest 선생님께서 

Teaching Tips from CELTA Online Course에 대해 강의해 주실 예정입니다.

앞으로 영어교사가 될 여러분께 매우 유용한 교수법 수업이 될 것입니다.


CELTA 란, 영국 캠브리지 대학교에서 주관하는 국제공인 영어교사 자격증 코스입니다. 


웨비나는 영어로 진행합니다. 





Teaching Tips from CELTA Online for English Teachers


We would like to invite you for the webinar about CELTA Online Course.

James Forrest, DELTA Assessor presents about Teaching Tips from CELTA Course. This lesson will be useful for every English Teachers.


CELTA is Cambridge English Teaching Qualification.

Date: Thursday, 11 July

Time: 10:30 ~ 12:00 am

Place: Zoom meeting

Lesson 1: Introduce about CELTA Online course (20 min.)

Lesson 2: Teaching Tips from CELTA Onlin Course (40 min.)

Lesson 3: How to apply to CELTA Online Course (20 min.)

Bio of James Forrest

James Forrest is currently Director of Cambridge Training courses and a lecturer on the MA TEFL program at IGSLE. He was formerly Director of Teacher Training Services at the British Council in Seoul, and before that Head of Teacher Training in the English Department of the Yonsei University Foreign Language Institute. He first brought the CELTA to Korea in 1998 while at Yonsei, having successfully set up the Cambridge Diploma (DELTA) there the year before. His introduction to Korea came in 1985, when he was appointed Visiting Professor of English at the College of Education, Seoul National University.

This webinar is delivered in ENGLISH.


If you want to take part in the webinar, please submit a form via:




2024 Full Session CELTA Online Course: 



한국 CEQ 시험센터

KEEC (Korea English Exam Center)


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