글번호 : 96113949

작성일 : 17.09.06 | 조회수 : 125

제목 : Notice for «Korean Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 글쓴이 : 중남미연구소
첨부파일 첨부파일: Guidelines for Paper Contribution.pdf

한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소



Guidelines for «Korean Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies» Vol.36 No.4 2017



Korean Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies of Institute of Latin American Studies of HUFS is registered in National Research Foundation of Korea. It is published four times in year, February 28, May 31, August 31, November 30. If you apply for Journal at this time, please send your manuscript until October 15th.



For more information, see the information below.



-The Information is as follows-



Qualification for Submission: According to the Editorial board rules(2010.03.02 revisions), all contributors need to make a payment for evaluation fee(60.000won) before paper contribution.



Assessment fee payment: Woori Bank 1002-336-485821 (Depositor: 정경원)



Subject of Contributed Papers: This journal focuses on politics, economy, culture, legal system or literature of Latin America, Spain and Portugal. There are no methodological limitations on the characteristics and form of the paper and may vary from pure theoretical papers to analysis papers, case studies, applied research or policy analysis.



Paper Format: The research paper needs to be written according to the specific formats of publication manual of Institute (attached file1 : Guidelines for paper contribution)



Paper submission deadlines: 2017. 10. 15



Paper submission: https://ilas.jams.or.kr (Journal Article & Management System by National Research Foundation of Korea)



Editorial secretary: Ho Jin Park



Contact: latinamerica@hufs.ac.kr / 02-2173-3927



Attached file 1: Guidelines for Paper Contribution







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