글번호 : 29660

작성일 : 10.08.19 | 조회수 : 462

제목 : 4기들 보세요!!! (2005/06/14) 글쓴이 : 이길영
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
한국응용언어학회(ALAK)의 Poster Presentation 안내입니다.

우수한 포스터엔 200,00원씩의 상금이 있습니다.
어차피 논문준비에 할 포스터 준비에 이것까지 함께 준비하면 어떨지요  일단 논문제목만 7월 15일까지 내면 됩니다. 아래를 읽어보세요.  


ALAK provides two opportunities for graduate students' presenting in 2005 ALAK annual conference: CALL Fair and Poster Session.  

We pleasantly announce that  ALAK offers prizes for Best Poster/CALL Fair Award this year to encourage more active participation in our featured events.

Three contributors will be selected as prize winners by on-site vote. Do not miss this honorable chance. We are looking forward to your contribution.

"Poster Session"
Any topics regarding applied linguistics and foreign language education (including Korean) are welcomed.

We especially encourage graduate students' participation in this session. Only title submission (with your name, email, phone number), is required by email to Professor Joohae Kim, Poster session coordinator (jhkim@kdu.edu) by July 15.

Further details will be informed to the individual applicants later.

"Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) FAIR "

CALL Fair is an ALAK event intended for demonstrations by language educators who have used multimedia software or ICT with students. Demonstrations may highlight student projects, lesson plans, activities or instructional materials. The computer products (e.g. software or websites) do NOT necessarily have to be created by the teacher/presenter. Examples:

Cross-cultural web projects, web-based activities, Teacher homepages
Internet-integrated lesson plans, Ideas of utilizing ESL software/WWW
Using CMC (chat rooms, communities, or MOO etc.) for language learning
Material design using authoring tools (ex. Flash, Director, Namo Web Editor, Flying Popcorn etc.)
Please submit the title of your proposal for the application by July 15. For further information and title submission, email to the CALL Fair coordinator, Professor Heyoung Kim (heyoung@sookmyung.ac.kr)

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