글번호 : 181257979

작성일 : 24.02.21 | 조회수 : 603

제목 : [독일 Philipps-Universität Marburg] International Summer University 2024 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

우리 대학 자매대학교인 독일 Philipps-Universität Marburg에서 주관하는 여름학기 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


※ 학점 인정 가능 여부는 인정받을 전공 학과 국외교류 내규 및 승인사항에 따름

※ 수강 전 해외계절학기 유의사항(Click!) 참고



- 아    래 -

The University of Marburg is happy to announce that our International Summer University 2024 will take place from July 22nd until August 16th.


The topic of this year’s program is “Germany and Europe in a turbulent world – History, Politics, Society, and Culture” and is organized in cooperation with Professor Thorsten Bonacker, Center for Conflict Studies, and Professor Eckart Conze, Department of Modern History.


The ISU is a 4-week program, which consists of academic seminars, German language courses, field trips and a cultural program. Students can earn up to 12 ECTS.


The program tuition is €2,300 and includes:

·             one intensive German language course (4-weeks), two academic seminars, taught by local and international scholars (2-weeks each), and one German history, politics and culture class (2-weeks)

·             study material,

·             accommodation in a single dorm room and a meal subsidy,

·             health and personal liability insurance for the duration of the program,

·             monthly ticket for public transportation in Marburg and the state of Hessen,

·             cultural program (one-day excursions and a weekend trip, opening and closing ceremonies, key-note lecture)

An Early Bird price of € 2,050 is available to applicants who sign up before April 1st, 2024.



You can find information on the program as well as the seminars on offer at our website: https://www.uni-marburg.de/isu

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