글번호 : 181258063

작성일 : 24.02.22 | 조회수 : 807

제목 : [독일 Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz] Summer School 2024 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

우리 대학 자매대학교인 독일 JGU Mainz에서 주관하는 여름학기 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


※ Santander 장학금 합격시 학비 면제, 상세 요건은 학생 본인이 링크 참고하여 지원

※ 학점 인정 가능 여부는 인정받을 전공 학과 국외교류 내규 및 승인사항에 따름

※ 수강 전 해외계절학기 유의사항(Click!) 참고



- 아    래 -

we are happy to announce that the JGU Summer School in 2024 will be held from August 5 – August 23, 2024 on the JGU campus in Mainz. Further information regarding and contents are available at https://summer.uni-mainz.de/german-language-school. 


And we are happy to announce that we are able to offer scholarships fully covering the course fee of 990 €. Your students are able to apply for the scholarship via the following link: https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/en/program/jgu-mainz-summer-school-2024


*What your student needs to do: Application


Step one: 
In order to participate in the JGU Summer Course, your students need to register for the course itself at 

Step two: 
In order to receive this Santander-Scholarship, the students you nominated would have to register on the Santander Application Platform (https://app.santanderopenacademy.com/en/program/jgu-mainz-summer-school-2024) and upload the following documents required by 29th March 2024

  1. Proof of enrollment
  2. a copy of his/her “Acknowledgement of Registration” for the JGU Summer Course received by mail from summer@uni-mainz.de (pdf file)
  3. a letter of motivation why he/she is interested in participating in the Summer Course
  4. the applicant’s curriculum vitae
  5. a copy of his/her transcript from your university.


After the deadline, the application process will be closed and cannot be reopened. Only complete Santander applications can be considered for awarding the Santander-Scholarship.



Please inform your students that the sponsor Santander requires a report about the Summer Course from its grantees. By applying for a Santander-Scholarship, the applicant pledges that he/she will submit a report about the course participation to santander@uni-mainz.de one week after the end of the course.


We are looking forward to being able to welcome your students on our campus this summer!

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