글번호 : 181647848

작성일 : 24.03.04 | 조회수 : 683

제목 : [일본 Meiji University] Short-term Japanese Language Program (Summer 2024) 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

우리 대학 자매대학교인 일본 Meiji University에서 주관하는 여름방학 연수 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


※ 학점 인정 가능 여부는 인정받을 전공 학과 국외교류 내규 및 승인사항에 따름

※ 수강 전 해외연수/해외계절학기 유의사항(Click!) 참고



- 아    래 -

Meiji University is pleased to announce our Short-term Japanese Language Program (Summer 2024) for students of our partner universities.   


The application period is Mar 4th, 2024 April 7th, 2024 (Japan Time).  

Applications may be closed when the capacity is reached.   



(ENG) https://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/programs/mjlp/summer.html 

 (JP) https://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/programs/mjlp/jp/summer.html 


Program Period  

July 29th August 9th, 2024 


Program Fee  




Participants must make their own arrangements. If you wish to stay at a hotel recommended by the university, please apply after your participation is c○nfirmed.   

Applicants from partner universities who need VISA support are required to stay at the hotel recommended by the university.  


Program Level  

Elementary course (A2 level in CEFR scale) JLPT N4 level  

This class is for students who are JLPT N4 level or equivalent. Students in this level are able to listen and comprehend conversations encountered in daily life and generally follow their contents, provided that they are spoken slowly.  

You CAN NOT apply to this class if you have no background in learning Japanese.  


Intermediate course (B1 level in CEFR scale) JLPT N3N2 level   

This class is for students who are JLPT N3~N2 level or equivalent. Students in this level are able to listen and comprehend conversations in everyday situations, spoken at near-natural speed, and state his/her own opinion.  

Those with an advanced level of Japanese are NOT eligible to apply. 



This program is approved by the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization scholarship program. Students from Meiji University partner institutions who meet the criteria set by JASSO can receive the scholarship (80,000 yen) at the end of the program. For details, please see the website.  



For further information or any questions, please feel free to contact us; E-MAIL: mjlp@meiji.ac.jp  


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