글번호 : 41016

작성일 : 08.10.31 | 조회수 : 1667

제목 : KGSS November Orientation 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Dear KGSS Students (Korean Government Scholarship Students)

Hope you are having a great time here

We are planning to hold 2008 KGSS November orientation as follows.

- Date and Time : Nov. 5, 2009 / 15:00 - 17:00
- Location : Room 406 at HUFS Flex Center 
- Topics discussed
  a. Annoucemnet for the NIIED final exam schedules 
      (Only for students who are currently taking Korean language course)
  b. Procedures for Admission to KGSP participating universities in Korea (Tentative)
  c. NIIED Year-end and Farewell Party for all KGSS
  d. Q & A Session

Your participation will be highly appreciated

International Affairs Team
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