글번호 : 41017

작성일 : 08.11.20 | 조회수 : 1723

제목 : Meeting Time Change [Poznan Students] 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Dear all exchange students from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan!!

We are sorry to announce that Poznan students' general meeting has been changed to Nov 26 2008 due to Prof. Choi's schedule. 

The 1st Poznan exchange students' meeting will take place at the new ISO lounge in the center for international students(1st floor, HUFS Faculty Building) on Nov 25, 2008.
We have also invited Prof. Choi, chair of Department of Polish to the meeting.

It will start at 4:00 pm and all of Poznan exchange students are asked to attend this meeting

Some topics of this meeting may include explanation about exchange students' nomination evaluation process, Globeedorm living conditions, and so on.

Hope to see all of you guys next Tuesday~

Center for International Students

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