글번호 : 41019

작성일 : 08.11.25 | 조회수 : 1818

제목 : Application of Permission for Extension of Stay 글쓴이 : CIS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Application of Permission for Extension of Stay

1. WHO ?

In case of expiration of permission of stay, the foreigner shall receive permission for extension of stay if he/she desires to study continuously at HUFS.

2. WHEN ?

The foreigner shall apply before 2 months from the current expiration date to 1 day before the expiration date.
※ In case of applying for the extension after the expiration date, the individual shall pay the penalty according to Article 25 of Immigration Act.

3. WHERE ?

Center for International Students(CIS)


- Application Form(placed at CIS)
- Passport & Alien Registration Card
- Certificate of Enrollment & Transcript
- A Copy of Bank Account (more than KRW 2,000,000)
- Certificate of Payment of Educational Expenses or Scholarship
- Fee (KRW 30,000)

 ※ For more details, contact me or visit CIS.
    Center for International Students
Young-Jae LEE
Tel. 02-2173-2066
Email. lyj0801@hufs.ac.kr

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