글번호 : 50367656
작성일 : 15.01.12 | 조회수 : 601
제목 : 웬세스라오의 『푸른 수염의 비밀』 - 페로의 「푸른 수염」의 현대적 변용/ 나송주 | 글쓴이 : 중남미연구소 |
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논문제목: 웬세스라오의 『푸른 수염의 비밀』 - 페로의 「푸른 수염」의 현대적 변용 저자명: 나송주 (Song Joo Na) 학술지명: 중남미연구 권호사항: 제33-3권 (2014) 수록면: pp. 119-140
<국문초록> 웬세스라오(Wenceslao Fernández Flórez)의 『푸른 수염의 비밀 El Secreto de Barba Azul』(1923)은 뻬로(Perrault)의『옛이야기와 교훈』(1697)년에 포함되어 있는 「푸른 수염」을 차용해서 출판된 소설이다.『푸른 수염의 비밀』은 당대에도 독자들의 뜨거운 사랑을 받았지만, 현재도 웬세스라오 소설 중에서 가장 뛰어나다는 평과 함께 아직도 그 인기가 식지 않고 있다. 주인공 마우리시오(Mauricio)가 진정한 자유와 정체성을 찾기 위해 삶의 실제적이고 극적인 면을 추구하는 것은 20세기 현대인들이 처해있는 자화상이다. 작품에서 이야기 하는 삶의 환멸과 허위성, 개인의 고독, 고립과 소외의 근본적 뿌리는 당대 시대정신을 반영하고 있는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 여자들의 ’금기-호기심’이라는 모티프로 당대 화두가 되었던 애국심, 부성애, 사랑의 위선을 파헤쳐보고자 한다. 주제어: 웬세스라오, 『푸른 수염의 비밀』, 「푸른 수염」, 금기-호기심, 민담
<영문초록> 『The Secret of Blue Beard』of Wenseslao - Modern Translation of 『Blue Beard』of Perrault
The popular story is an old story transmido orally among the people. Most collections of these stories are only academic subjects, but some still call the attention of the people. Obviously some stories are read exactly as they were written, however numerous stories serve as motive and are transformed into various content and genres featuring inspiring to today to literature, and this through the transfiguration criticizes contemporary society or provides a social meaning or artistic history.『The Secret of Blue Beard』 of Wenceslao published in 1923 using as a reason the story of "Bluebeard" incorporated into『Complete Stories』(1697) Perrault has not only been loved by readers of the time but also is considered the best work of Wenceslao. The protagonist Mauricio looks secret room looking like peeling an onion layer after layer until find the secret insignificance and fill the emptiness and loneliness of reality. The endless search and besets the meaning hidden in various corners of life, but the meeting did not take place in reality, ends in failure of communication. The search for the answer of secrecy vanishes under the persecution of the ideal and the logic of social practice. Through a Romanesque conversion, social background and moral and psychological questions of Mauritius represent vividly morality of those times. The famous frase from Anatole France who has shared the same era with Wenceslao, "We all are but puppets to easily change the appearance" applies exactly to understand the thinking of Wenceslao. From the historical context persecution of Mauritius, the protagonist of『The Secret of Blue Beard』, the real and exciting to find true freedom and identity, is the portrait of the lives of people living in the twentieth century. The root of disappointment, falsehood, individual loneliness, isolation and alienation that appears on『『The Secret of Blue Beard』is the zeitgeist of the times. It is no coincidence the cynical air of mistrust, disbelief and loneliness for the truth in the end. This novel shows how hypocritical and false is the concept of patriotism, parenting and love, famous at the time, through the reason for prohibition-curious women of「Blue Beard」. Key words : Wenceslao,『El Secreto de Barba Azul』,『La Barba Azul』, Prohibition-curiosity, Fairy Tale |