글번호 : 49412

작성일 : 10.03.09 | 조회수 : 1292

제목 : Check your enrollment status online!! 글쓴이 : ISS
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Dear all applicants,

Thank you for your application to the 2010 ISS

If you have completed our online application, please check your enrollment status on the application page. We are periodcally checking the ISS online application system to find any updates on course registration for each applicant.

How to check your enrollement status and get the admin note!!
1. Go to our online application menu
2. Enter your application number 
3. Enter the email address

And please make sure you will not be able to change your courses through the online system once they have been confirmed by our office. Reguest on course change should be done via email (isshufs@hufs.ac.kr). As course registration is on a space-available basis, it may not be possible for you to change courses

ISS Office
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